You can't go over the edge, then you get false play.
So if you study and anticipate on synchronicity you go over the edge. If you SEEK a sign you go over the edge, IT DON'T WORK, you don't see the sober truth, the reality, but YOU SEE THE FALSE INPUT, coming from you subconsciously seeking to combine + partly you can come into contact with the negative/asking force/develish, grabbing things that ARE THERE to put together in time.
You may want it but not seek for it.
Also, God puts things in order at His time so you cannot anticipate at specific place and time: not "God will give this or that at that and that time". The Apostles drew lots because they could not choose the replacing apostle for Judas themselves (Bible Acts 1.23-26; "And having prayed they said You Lord knower of hearts of all show which You have chosen of these"), who hung himself after betraying Jesus and leading the people to Jesus to arrest him. The same picture we have uptil now left from. So only in exceptional cases you can ask God what to do. And put your free choice aside which is necessary normaly. But even then it is up to you to interpretate the answer.
So you can see how things can get out of shape and disformed and you are seeking to find your way in life and not finding your destination 100%.
Jesus choose 12 Apostles as leaders over the group that followed him, and one of them, Judas, betrayed him. This happened because it was inherent that it would go this way. It HAD to happen but condamned the one by whom it happens (Marcus 14.21). Arrested because of the religious.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 1 Oct 2012. Only copy for own use.
Also, God puts things in order at His time so you cannot anticipate at specific place and time: not "God will give this or that at that and that time". The Apostles drew lots because they could not choose the replacing apostle for Judas themselves (Bible Acts 1.23-26; "And having prayed they said You Lord knower of hearts of all show which You have chosen of these"), who hung himself after betraying Jesus and leading the people to Jesus to arrest him. The same picture we have uptil now left from. So only in exceptional cases you can ask God what to do. And put your free choice aside which is necessary normaly. But even then it is up to you to interpretate the answer.
So you can see how things can get out of shape and disformed and you are seeking to find your way in life and not finding your destination 100%.
Jesus choose 12 Apostles as leaders over the group that followed him, and one of them, Judas, betrayed him. This happened because it was inherent that it would go this way. It HAD to happen but condamned the one by whom it happens (Marcus 14.21). Arrested because of the religious.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 1 Oct 2012. Only copy for own use.