It is not mentioned in the Bible how long the creationdays are and that these are 24 of the hours we know now. A day is determined by the fact how long it takes for a certain point on the Earth surface to describe a full circle around. So a day on Mars is a bit longer for example 24hrs39minutes35seconds and a year 687 Earthdays and Spring Summer Autumn and Winter takes longer there.
There are days of millions and millions of earthyears a.o. Bible Hosea 6.1-3; the downfall and resurrection of creation: "Come and let us return unto the LORD for He hath torn and He will heal us He hath smitten and He will bind us up. Will He revive day us in the third He will raise us up and we shall live in His sight. Then shall we know we follow on to know the LORD as the morning is prepared His going forth and He shall come unto us as the rain as the latter former rain unto the Earth". So a downfall, a revive and a raise to fullness again = 3 (enormous) big days, which we not all live through consciously. Note; "shall we know we follow on to know the LORD" it stayes that way...
Extensive Bibletext references and explanation about this in "GENESIS, Big Bang, Pulsating Universe or what?".
So the building up situation where we are set to make choices and so excersize, materialize, actualize, ourselfes for the responsible part we have to do ourselfs, is the revive-part where God creates us in the flesh again. We are asleep or conscious in the spirit-departement when not in the flesh.
The first part of Genesis reports about the perfect creation Genesis 1.1-2.3 where for example man eats fruit (grain beans and what you make from that, etc.) and the animals eat vegetables. So that alone already gives another perspective of course. Then you see the evolution of things further in details developing building up towards people coming from the downfall, starting Genesis 2.5.
Without giving numbers you see those days, weeks, years, in the Bible for the duration of certain things.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 19 MARCH 2013. Only copy for own use.