Yesterday I wrote an email to somebody, today I meet him coincidently on the street. For some time I have conversations with him about synchronicity and also faith in GOD.
Also today; I had no fruitjuice left, so I putted buttermilk in the empty fruitjuicepack, because I always like to have some fluid on me while on the way.
So I drank some on the street and two guys passed by, while I shaked the pack,
and I heard them say "In a moment it is MILK in it, hahahaha". So a guy should not shake a pack of fruitjuice but wave with a beerbottle or -can, is of course the background of this......
I NEVER did buttermilk in a juicepack, once I do that because I need something to drink anyway AND THEN TWO GUYS PASS BY SAYING THAT!
It also happened to me that I imagined over and over again a situation somewhere on that precise spot happening, from where a COPY of this indeed happened after a while on that very spot in the building which has no connection to that place that it should happen THERE!!!
So what is to say of these examples?
One idea is that the again and again and again over and over imagination adds to it to happen (superstitional force). If you don't want that, but think to expect it, one tends to see it in their thoughts. BUT THAN; A COPY OF IT!!!
SO THERE IS A TOGETHER MOVEMENT.Situation is simular but something different is potentially possible.
You enjoy the microcosmos around you, meaning something.
GOD provides everything so you should NOT worry.
But there where there is sin, falling short, people start to think "GOD could do (cause) this or that".
GOD gives the birds their food, but they have to fly for it.
But there are meaningful things that are not synchron.
And which aren't answering to expectation.
Guideposts are not synchron because you already go that direction similar to the synchronicity/analog is showing the content of that. Direction in the sense that the will-choice how something lies prevails. Even when doing otherwise the synchronicity/analog can show an image of your real will-choice how it lies.
So if we talk about GOD showing a guidepost then we talk about something appearing that is not similar to your based intentions (will-wishes) but for that matter similar to your real souldesire and necessity in general.
Intentions (will-wishes) from which you, subordinated to GOD, soulconformable would like/will-wish the possibility are the onlyest "battery" (of free choice) in the Biblical system. Result of free will is sacred with GOD. So if things happen you don't want and/or participate in; there is a soulbased reason.... Therefor things you THINK you want reflect around you AND -in Biblical system- here or there produce feelings and intuïtions leading to the real soulprint in Creation.
Fear, hope, trust or distrust are superstitional batteries.
A woman I know is afraid of bees, in her youth she was locked up in a room with a bee because other children knew she was afraid of bees they did that. She does not dare to have windows open because a bee may come in she says. Once a little grating was opened to ventilate some which was never done and what happens a dead bee was lying on the window sill some hours later.
So what is happened here, a image arises which shows a condition of somebody without saying that it comes from superstitional forces which calls on feelings of sympathize.
Avoid superstition which mixes up, confuse, the healthy correlation between you and your surrounding, and not also come to get something with it and its effects.
Synchronicities and penetrating circumstances don't stay away so you cannot say that because you give GOD the last word that the "battery"-effect of your soulconformable intentions (will-wishes) is cleaned by GOD further than necessary, because of free will.
GOD'S EFFECTIVE FORCE is always acting and reacting fitting you.
In a special case I needed really confirmation about something, so I prayed "It would be nice LORD, to get a (really) meaningful statue today symbolizing things go through". And it happened!!!!!!! A superspecific meaningful statue.It was kingsday, people offering things and services for almost nothing, and in the big city I just walked towards that....
If you have a prayed intention (will-wish) to get a positive result concerning something special like this, then you cannot get the circumstance or object if it IS not so, because of the prayed intention which prayed content is "Only if destined". Those things can take shapes that are understandable but cannot lie. I did not "smell" the statue being available and so get the wrong answer. So here is a dimension extra without wanting to steer GOD.
You don't want to get the wrong answer yourself either.
Don't forget GOD in the whole thing of course!!!
Trial is also there.
Even if the opposite or adversity appears then you can still will-choose to continue your way. But you go over it again, maybe more often. And dig up what is at. Considdering what I wrote here above.
And sometimes you have to wait for the full answer and the adventure continues.....
And GOD causes plays that embody contactatmosphere with things on distance in place or time.
So don't do or participate on superstitional things, not in convulsive manner I let an acquaintance do something on me what appeared while doing to be magnetic treatment. So I prayed while she did that and after that I explaned it to her. For example the eating of meat in a spirit-gods temple with their priests which meat is offered to spirit-gods is allowed in the Bible because you acknowledge but don't endorse that (1Corinthians 8.1-13). So if something is specific like in this examples and the example of the answer in the statue then there is no unclearness or tresspassing. Also sometimes you have to accept something wrong in a good effort.
It is not more effective than it seems, compromising for example, but it is about DOING it which gives result in proportion, as deviations coming in AS YOU ALAS SEE IN PENTECOSTAL PEOPLE GO DOWN UNCONSCIOUS AS A SIGN (!), AND ALAS IN ROMAN CATHOLIC ATMOSPHERE WEEPING-, BLEEDING- AND EVEN MOVING STATUES AND PEOPLE BLEEDING ON PLACES JESUS WAS TRANSFIXED (!). A woman starting calculating astrology found a specific book and met a teacher AND THOUGHT SHE WAS ON THE RIGHT WAY secured through the confirmation...........
Live and let live, everybody NEEDS to seek their own way but if you yourself are tolerant -in the sense of acceptability- then you participate.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 27 Oct 2014 by Hans Michael Chi. Only copy for own use.