To this also belongs to stand for your choices.
On top of this you also should avoid wrong contactatmosphere and not go along with things this way, without hurting anybody or anything.
You have to avow with your mouth.
If you do that about the faith that Jesus is the door the mediator to GOD then this is for you and others a huge effect.
Like with other things marked with this it calls on the Effective Force Of GOD without you being a medium.
There is intertimeconnection for everything. Happenings and things in the past are connected and effective in the future. So that the picture is fully painted to express everything.
So everything is an additionsum producing a result coming from the choices and the Effective Force Of GOD and the asking force (develish) depending what one connect on top of the own battery, because of the content of your based choices. Jesus said "When You say 'Didn't I heal people and other things in Your name' then I shall say "Go away I don't know You" (Matthew 7.21-23). Meaning you can't cheat the choice and soul based intentions which are behind the action, producing result in proportion in the end of the day. Even if the action is labeled with Jesus, GOD, and the Bible, like for example in spiritism, alas in pentecostal addings with their laying unconscious on the floor -as a sign-, laugh attacks convulsions allowing the occult-paranormal in, above healthy intuitions being (intertime/interspace)(day)dreams without getting occult-clairvoyant, convictions contactatmosphere attraction -which allowing is not without result of course-, or the likewise unBiblical things as alas in Roman Catholic tradition with their suffering and bleeding saints (bleeding and weeping) statues and images of GOD allowing the occult-paranormal above healthy intuitions mentioned -which allowing is not without result of course- and more through history. Alas you have those gloomy teachers reverend ministers and priests, they even look and dress like that, Jesus said; "Leave the dead to bury the of themselves dead, you but going out announce the kingdom - of God" (Bible Luke 9.60-61). ONLY do the praying itself to "the unpersonal personal" GOD Who does not point to Himself, without personalitycult, where Jesus is the door explainer connector WHO ONLY POINTS TO OUR FATHER GOD Who knows before you pray Him what you need (Bible Matthew 6.6-15).
See here the parallel with superstition as the power of positive thinking {instead of upgrading by counting with GOD('S superNATURAL possibilities)}, and venerated praying, instead of calling on saints with their personal specialities to plea with GOD, alas in Roman Catholicism getting in the front (Bible a.o. Revelation 22.8-10) etc. etc., contra this.
So the Effective Force Of GOD gives you life and produces the co-ordinate of things necessary which express everything, then you need to do your share in (sub)consciously forming opinions about everything and so battery your responsible choice-part and with the Effective Force Of GOD or the asking force. One of those three own responsible part negative and positive are the working forces. Consciously knowing FULLY the true not most of the time church presented GOD (non-believers can be justified by their conscience) and His Effective Force and Jesus as the mediator explainer connector the door, and then denying, produces automaticly the asking force.
ONLY pray to "the unpersonal personal" GOD Who does not point to Himself, without personalitycult, where Jesus is the door.
People can be justified in their own conviction if not knowing enough the (original) Bible. GOD presents Himself also to them in daily life and fulfils their outcome.
The Devil asks permission with GOD to tempt Job (Job 1.6-12) to see if Job stayes faithful, but also Jacob 1.12-15 'all temptation comes from the sucking and temptation which is in the person him/her self', so only if addressable with accordingly result.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 13 Nov 2015 by Hans Michael Chi. Only copy for own use.