Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Prosperity, adversity, destiny, trial, connected purposes.

An Islamic girl, muslims already believe in GOD, had demonical activity as doors slamming without draft or so and strangling sensations in the night, stabbing sensation and hearing breathing next to her. 
She seeking help everywhere and nothing helped, comes in contact with a Biblical who prayes to GOD in the name of Jesus, she felt peace and something moving in her and everything bad run away.
After stopping practising the worship thinking I just call on GOD in the name of Jesus she lost everything as work etc.. So because of the deliberate quiting and stripping to that wanting to use it without acknowledging, the bad saw chance (opening) to come back. 
After restoring worship everything came in order. You can't skip everything and just do the calling on GOD in the name of Jesus when necessary and leave out normal acknowledging worship. However don't think that the quantity equals the result Bible Matthew 6.5-14 because this is superstition. 
Another case what passed by through years is a Christian-reformed woman experiencing a sound of breathing and somebody stepping in her bed with the mattress moving, nothing visible. 
Yet another hearing voices, seeing spirits, feeling attacked in the night and also doors moving without detectable cause. Doing a magnetizing action both she and the subject treating felt a heavy load between her hands and the arm of the subject.
The answer to this is if you profess the worship in GOD this cannot come near. If you practise and add other elements it works different so that there is something giving an opening. For one example the Christian-reformed woman I talk about called a mesmerist (occult-paranormal outside natural give and take order) for help.
It can happen that good people drift away in confusion because of pressure of their surrounding, think of Roman Catholic tradition alas with their addings, and pentecostals fainting in church having laughattacks clairvoyance-condition auras (just like that) mindreading knowing things about somebody (if accessable/addressable), which disorganizes GOD'S co-operating natural order into lack of necessary manifesting expression of all things, because of short-cutting-paranormal, above healthy intuition impressions contactatmosphere intertime/interspace antenna. 
Also the speed where things go with nowadays kills necessary living-through-producing-experience what you need to undergo to enjoy things and full happiness. And laboratory produced food instead of natural. 
Every casual person knows that you better have natural, without complicated explanations. 
Genetic manipulation is another example which disrupts (coherent) things.
So if you experience adversity you always should examine your situation for improvements - where you have to be willing to look outside your perspective and convictions. I also experienced through years that people want to be helped in their own perspective  and that people are not addressable and search for solution only within their convictions and even mistakes can be blown up instead of corrected- because if you don't make improvements it will come back in some form or if you are not addressable to gain insight it can stay away and you will go further missing out on important fulfilment sooner and later.
Think about your past.
Think upwards, GOD will provide in His (perfect) coherent connection possibilities.
Connected results are always there out of positive and out of negative intentions {connecting the asking force (develish) or GOD'S EFFECTIVE FORCE (HOLY SPIRIT) reaching out to your free will}.
Don't let results impress you to be the right way.
The addition sum of all the Biblical things provides the recipe. 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  1 May 2016  by  Hans Michael Chi.  Only copy for own use.