Monday, May 1, 2017

From eternity to eternity.

Hardening in ignoring things leads to consequences for what the case in question is worth.
It sounds terrible but in the end Jesus is right that  being kept away from the good works where you can help, by taking care of "dead" people you cannot help till they lived out their life, can be killing for the priorities. (Jesus Bible Matthew 8.21-22, Luke 9.59). So you only help the people you cannot help forward, out, however sad it is, so that they are helped in the situation as it is.
Also if people keep refusing you musn't push, they have
their way to go. And if they are really against you one needs distance, "Whipe off the dust of your shoes against them" (Bible Matthew 10.14, Luke 9.5, Acts 13.51).
So you always form a opinion, you interpret things as this or that, in everything.

And so you experience (the necessary) variations. Thinking about it uncovers meanings in the experiences.
So there is the necessary play in daily life, it is not random it plays the game of (your) life.
There also can be more things in one synchronicity. Your handling is the necessary play.
You better make it GOD'S Hand in co-inciding.
And don't go too quickly through things; you may loose content. In earlier days when things were not so fast (you had to wait for a reaction, no telephone on the street etc.) there was more content, more possibility to enter with the necessary things. And don't forget the necessary meaningatmosphere in all things. Don't kill that by the speed.
The essence of all things is the satisfaction of the soul(s) and eventual explanations as working out karma the way we lived before etc., has to serve THIS.
Good deeds must give a good feeling of satisfying desire, then it is alright!
Reality puts something there, puts something to life and is never random.
A situation does not attract spirit but the other way around, so, that not a body, for example the coming together of a man and a woman itself does not attract a spirit to get born BUT IT IS ABOUT COMINGS TOGETHER CO-INCIDING THINGS which is GOD'S consequence of all souls, that puts something there. 
On the source of everything lies always the expression of (all) souls which causes all shapes.
So is there soul, spirit and body (Bible 1Thessalonians 5.23) in all times as fulness.
Also what comes out as soul denying, is that you get rewarded with a higher life here on this or other planet or in a heaven, and not in a paradise of continuous satisfaction of desires, is a denying of that where everything is for.
And of course not forget soulconnections we cannot be happy without our soulmates.
Things always need to come back after a while so you get around the satisfaction of all souldesires including the bringing to life of your things in the "cosmic night" so that it is YOUR COMING OUT, fascilitated by GOD.
Up & down up & down up & down we goho.
Following texts describe the bigger repeating and bigger downcast and new start (involution-downcast/evolution-upcoming-new start [not Darwinism]).
Bible Ecclesiastes 3.1-17, Hosea 6.1-3 (three [repeating] cosmic 'days' or eras 1 the downcast from paradise-era 2 the 'night' 3 the establishing of the paradise era), Jeremiah 4.23-27, Isaias 24.1-23, restoration of all things; Acts 3.21. Extensive Bible-references and explanation  in "GENESIS, Big Bang, Pulsating Universe or what?" and also "Magic. GOD moving in mysterious ways. Hidden blessings. Challenge".

Because of our soul we make the same choices out of free will in repeating eternity, how can we do otherwise according to our soul!
So we always push the wheel 
which had no beginning 
and will have no end, 
the wheel of LIFE..............

Powered and secured
by the FATHER (GOD)
revealed by Jesus
who fulfilled himself as our big brother
the son of men (Bible among 82 texts: Matthew 8.20)
what can he do otherwise according to his soul? 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by  Hans Michael Chi  1 May 2017. Only copy for own use.