Thursday, September 13, 2018

Seeking happiness.

Generaly negative startingpoint should be positive without pinning up this or that outcome.
A result one targets should be general and open to fill in details better than you know at start and process further this way.
Also don't be hasty to avoid something that passes by, it could be useful.
Although you feel 100% sure about something or a situation an outcome and further lapse of time, you must be open for the best route, steps you need inbetween, and even better outcome. GOD is always busy.
So I disagree for example with the Mary Sisters in Germany where a sister went to a shop to buy wool and while waiting the idea came up in her to wait for GOD and she went away before her turn and see what happened the next day she ended up somewhere where they gave the wool... And to show visiting children GOD'S care even in small things they prayed for candy and see somebody got in mind to bring candy to the sisters.
A strong hunch is one thing but forcing the situation into the kerb is another... , so she went home to the sistershouse without wool. And somebody with candy got the idea to bring this to the sisters..... so before the children left they had their treat... 
So the children learned how GOD looks after us uptil the smallest things they say.
But what do we have here? 
Here one forces the situation into the kerb, if you buy the candy there will come a gift one way or the other. 
So this is an example of polution in faith where not only the EFFECTIVE FORCE of GOD dwells.
Things work together for the best (Bible Romans 8.28).
In the name of Jesus pray to GOD.
Jesus prayed to GOD.
Jesus prayed not to Jesus.
Jesus explaned GOD fulfilled the Old Testament/Covenant and by going to the end in obedience to GOD he became the mediator to GOD.

Also talk the way I described above, in positive sense, open to hints and things, happenings.
GOD wants the full manifestation of Your soul.
He will provide.

Also pray this way.

Believe this way.

One way or the other in a manner I may not know it will go, "GOD knows more than I".

GOD also has all the inter-time-space connections.
You could call it relativity of time and space in lower and upper-conscious connections and circumstances, GOD works also with to provide us according to His perfect view.

Have the Bible as base, you can lead everything back to the Bible, all models are in the Bible.
If not literal the model to lead it back to is there.
And that is not a matter of interpretation. The basics are all in the Bible.

And then we get pentecostals lying unconscious on the floor of the church!
Seeing auras (that is to say 'just like that')!

The obligation to speak in tongues, there where the Bible writes that not everybody has the same gift as glósses languages the original text writes. They call this the late rain of the Spirit (Joel 2.23, 2.28-30, Isaias 32.15, 44.2-4, Hosea 6.3, ) visions dreams wonders etc..
Spirits in the church. Talk as "When I was converted a demon tried to strangle me" (!!!).
If one is with the Bible then things like that don't come near.
Makes me think of my youth, Roman Catholicism; everywhere the Devil was, the Devil here and the Devil there...
Upside-down faith. Superstition in it.
Another example is not to eat blood the Bible writes. And then Jehovah-witnesses not understanding that that is not the same as -if not otherwise possible-  a bloodtransfusion can save.
Spiritistic seances with devotion to GOD for example. 
Using the name/title of GOD and Jesus, does not buy the right track. And manifestations can come from the asking force. Who is not for us, is against us, don't hinder the people who use my (Jesus') name Jesus said to his apostles, because of that they don't follow us. Meaning the content/intention is according to us, for us or against. Mark 9.38-40.
All shapes are in the Bible, no matter that the Old Testament/covenant is another stage than the New Testament/covenant where other things count does not mean that for example the late rain of the Spirit and the further future can be in conflict with the whole of the Bible up till Genesis 1.1.

It took half a year, but Jehovah witnesses succeeded to convince somebody I knew that he could not have been healed by GOD from serious heart-trouble, attacks once or more in a week. Where he was free of complaints for 6 months.
Of course this is possible and superstitional forces are there but the point here is that one has to be open to GOD'S healing with and/or without therapy where Jehovah witnesses say that it is impossible in this time.
He was fully free of any complaint, without any medicine, but the pressure of the witnesses was too much after 6 months he fell back to one or more attacks per week and worsend and later ending up till death.
So it seemed to me that he let in, GOD'S healing power, but in the end his believing was dismantled, that he commited sin and had contacted the other side, being healed, and it was up to him to judge that and he judged this way after those months. So GOD does not ignore free will. Going the own way.
Knowingly and willingly people seek their own way and they wander away in their own direction (Isaias 47.15, 53.6).
Another example is an old man who was continuisly bothered by his family, they kept going on and on that it was dangerous to be in his Bible-shop with the door open.
Nothing ever happened, but they kept going on. He believed in the power of positive thinking itself and negative talking and thinking came in, they kept going on. 
"It will come again", he knew when they called, even when the phone rang. So anyway he had one or more points of entrence to influence him. 
So I came in his shop I had to rang the bell to open up, after a while. 
"Yeah I let myself talking into it" he said.
After a longer period he was mishandled wounded and robbed twice.....
As a woman with 6 locks on her door...
Yet another example, somebody told me "I don't believe it but if I invite somebody businesslike in my house they appear AGAIN to be homosexual or bi-sexual". But he had a combination of things in him which attracted that; 
where it was business, precise that sort of person came.
A gambler meets another gambler...
So either GOD'S correlation comes to you, or the asking force is also there,  and it is founded on your basic conviction(s).

So only the things agreeable with personal soul based grounds can take root and stand up in time.

PSALMS 46.10; "Be still and know that I am GOD" meaning; 
                                                                                    do your part and be at rest,
                                                                                   knowing GOD He does the rest.
With His intertime-space possibilities.

                      His EFFECTIVE FORCE is always busy also towards you. 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 13 Sept. 2018 by  Hans Michael Chi. Only copy for own use.