Sunday, April 29, 2012

Up up in the sky!

You better be aware of some contracter or so!!! The brothers and sisters of Jesus -who was 'just' a contracter- thought he was toudelou, stark ravin', and were not under his followers, later a brother was. Bible a.o. Mark 3.21, John 7.1-13, Galatians 1.19, Acts 1.14.  
When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on the Earth? -Luke 18.8. 
His arrival is with the clouds, as Jesus went away lastly seen by his intimate followers before disappearing in a cloud, not so that he arrives that you cannot choose anymore out of free will, because of the too clear label. It is called αποκαλυπτεται, the revealing of the Lord "at the revelation of the lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of his power" Bible Thessalonians 1.7, and on that 'day' there is a moment for one maybe sooner than the other that you cannot postpone the right choice anymore - a.o. Luke 17.30 and 1Corinthians 15.51-52 "All we shall be changed in an instand in twinkling of an eye" so in the twinkling of an eye this starts. Coming from the dusty we become heavenly 1Corinthians 15.48.
When Jesus comes with clouds, in the air where we are taking up in, we become changed, not as a different being but getting immortality.
The living don't precede the then resurrected but are taking in together when Jesus is in the air seperating good from bad, developing his kingdom on Earth.
After the period of rejection (Luke 17.25), and the Son of man is alone (Luke 9.58). Everybody wanders their own way Isaiah 47.15, 53.6.
The Kingdom of God is not coming so that you can say here or there -Luke 17.20-21. And don't believe that the Son of man is here or there because on his "day" he shall be as the lightning shining from one side of the heavens to the other Luke 17.23-24. So you better not miss the welfare, thinking to wait for the visible angelchiors to see, thinking you start to fly up and there you go up up in the sky. Instead of working along with the healing cloud here on Earth, taking up in that air towards the Lord, our big brother the Son of Man as the Bible calls Jesus! Because later, one may continue and another may not continue, in the New Era.
Mark 14.62 'see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven'. The perception of this appears clearly but you don't look up in the sky and see GOD and Jesus on His right Hand sitting and coming down.
Revelation 1.7 "He comes with the clouds".
See about 'cloud' article 'At the wrong time at the wrong place'.
See also about the son of evil comes before Jesus return article: GOD keeps everything in His Hand.
Also Matthew 24.3; "What is the sign of thy presence and the completion of the age?" then Jesus mentions the big tribulations false Jesuses false prophets with big signs but Jesus' presence is as wide as the lightning that lightens from east to west. Also Luke 17.24; "As the lightning which lightens from the one end under heaven to the other end under heaven shines, thus will be also the Son of Man in his day", not day as 24 hours.
Think of the parable of the virgins who were prepared and other not prepared Matthew 25.1-13 in the middle of the night a cry went out 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'.
The "day" of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night, the blind don't see the signs and because of that Jesus comes for them as a thief Bible 1Tessalonians 5.3, Revelation 3.3, not for those who see Bible 1Tessalonians 5.4-5. Where the "1000 year" build-up day develops uptill perfectness Bible 1Corinthians 15.24, Revelation 20.4-7.
Acts 1.11; "will come in the manner ye beheld him going into heaven". A cloud received him from their eyes Acts 1.9. Withdrawn from their eyes he will appear visible again to them is written here, this is said to his intimate followers.

2John 1.7; "Many deceivers entered into the world those who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh this is the deceiver and the antichrist".

So before Jesus' full revelation (
αποκαλυπτεται) one has to take the (Biblical) message of the end time.

WITHOUT ANY ACTION OF A HUMAN, THE EMPIRES OF THE EARTH ARE EXCHANGED FOR THE EMPIRE OF GOD. DANIËL 2.34-45. Then those who destroy the Earth get destroyed -Revelation 11.18.  (And have to come back, sometimes much later). 

Revelation 11.15; 'The kingdoms of this world became the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ".
'Don't go there when they say he (Christ) is there!, because he shall be perceived everywhere as the lightning shines out of one part under heaven and shines to the other part under heaven' Luke 17.20-24, Matthew 24.27. 
Also "he shall come unto us as the rain as the latter and former rain unto the earth" Hosea 6.3. Hosea 6  writing about 3 cosmic "days", millions of earthyears, about the end of the era (aeon) Jesus arriving.

It will show that Jesus is on the right hand of POWER and appears in clouds.
Also Bible Matthew 26.64.                                                                                                                                                            
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 10 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.

Bible predicts cleansed Earth. A New Age.

MOST OF RELIGION REJECTS FLESH AND BLOOD AND MATTER AND THIS EARTH AS FUTURE PLACE TO LIVE. THEY THINK TO LIVE IN A HEAVEN. BUT THERE IS NOT ONE BIBLETEXT IMPLICATING THAT PEOPLE GO TO LIVE IN HEAVEN IN JESUS AGE. Look at this; MATTHEW 16.17; "Blessed are You Simon Bar-jonah, because flesh and blood not did reveal (this) to You, but the Father of me in the heavens". GALATIANS 1.16; "Not I conferred with flesh and blood". EPHESIANS 6.12 "Because not is to us wrestling against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world's rulers of the darkness age of this, against the spiritual of evil in the heavenlies". 1CORINTHIANS 15.50-57; "And I say, brothers, that flesh and blood Kingdom of God inheret not is able to, nor corruption incorruption inheret. Behold a mystery to You I tell: all indeed not we shall fall asleep, all but we shall be changed, in a moment, in a glance of an eye, at the last trumpet; will be trumpet for, and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. Must for corruptible this put on incorruption, and mortal this put on immortality, then will occur the word, having been written: was swallowed Death in victory. Where of you, death the sting; where of you Hades the victory? The and sting of death (is) sin, and the power of sin the law". So instead of dying, the sting of death is out and that doesn't mean life AFTER death where not any sort of flesh and blood is, but the flesh and blood on itself is of no value. JOHN 6.63; "The Spirit it is makes alive; the flesh not profits nothing!".                                                                                                                                                          .                                                                                                                                                                         
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 16 Nov. 2011. Only copy for own use.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

God reveals in other religions too, religious fanatism, wrong prudishness

GOD AND PEOPLE TRY TO FIND EACHOTHER IN THE FAR EAST;  The beacon of truth~~~~~~the valuable pagode; it is not necessary to search any longer~~~~~~she reflects the thousandfold splendour of the light in any direction~~~~~~~the wise says be prepared to work, pray and be humble~~~~~~~if you do so heaven can give you anything. ~~~~~~~~~GUAN YIN~~~~~~~~~.    
REPRESSION OF EROTICISM IN RELIGION;  Everybody understands that the fact that things work together good in Biblical sense, has to do with peoples behavior. After the misshaped prudishness, nowadays people go out of the not-so-prudish-at-all Biblical rules. People do things below the belt with other people than their wife/man. Also man plays woman and woman plays man, also in their way of clothing. Emancipation came out as eMANcipation instead of eWOMANcipation. The man is nothing without the woman, the Bible writes (a.o. 1Corinthians 11.11-12) and that is no temporal circumstantional cultural law as there are also in the Bible. Nowhere the Bible writes that you have to be prudish to prevent sin. People should keep the right shape in things as clothing and not prudish dishonour the God given body, aswell as avoid sexual symbols which point to the belly (and so go over the edge) or nakedness which is the PRIVATEdomain.  
To make the right choices and do the right things is rewarded if you don't avoid confrontation.
HARMFULL REPRESSIONS AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS;  The Bible in 1Corinthians 8.1-13 says that you can eat their sacrificial meat with non-Biblical priests in their temple. You're not participating in their conviction by doing so. Another example; the Bible rejects using God-images to pray by. That does not include expressing Biblical situations apart from God Himself, 2 or 3 dimensional. Yet another example; If I respect the good in other teachings as Buddhism or any, that does not mean that I get distance from God. Also God knocks on EVERYBODIES door whether people translate it their way so or so, closer or less closer to God. The koran writes for example also that people CAN be justified in their own religion.

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

                                                                                                                                                       .                                                                                                                                                                         COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 28 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jesus WORKS! As the gate to God'S FULNESS of life.

As I wrote before, people have their own battery-coming-from-CHOICE. They had to CHOOSE to believe in God and be open to Jesus: in his own town he only could do a few healings because of their unbelieve; 'From where does he have this wisdom and powers, don't his sisters all belong with us, etc.' (Matthew 13.54-58). You hear those placebostories too; nothing in the medicine and it works! And on physical things it works. If it agrees with the personal things! So the personal-CHOICE-BATTERY is also (automaticly) appealed before it works, the free choice has to co-operate. Certain people are also to appeal  on superstition, so a bracelet from the market has it's outside-good-order working with them if it is used as more as a motto, bringing unbalance however. So the free choice of people is necessary to co-operate; if they accept the idea concerning + accept the excistence of God + accept His supremation (= extra beyond your possibilities & protection for what's the best in the end), THEN God can give that EXTRA and free you from something you cannot solve, on top of God'S protection anyway. Bible Jeremiah 17.5; "So says the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusts in men, and makes flesh his arm, and who's heart departed from the Lord". (Trusts in men and matter). Jeremiah 17.7; 'Blessed is the man who trusts the Lord, who's trust is the Lord, he though, shall be as a tree, planted on water, which spreads it's roots uptill a brook and don't notice it if the heat comes, but which foliage stayes green, who in a year of drought has no worry and not omits bearing fruit'. {Produces even fruit!}. Paul had a reason for a "thorn in his flesh", as he calls it, (2Corinthians 12.7) that had to pull something for him, because God lets everything work together for the good (Romans 8.28).                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                          
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 26 April 2012. Only copy for own use.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Do statues speak?? Do things speak?

Sometimes you just feel that something is not just an impression, coincidence, synchronicity, or, because you have that subject in you blown up. Something like that happened today. Having a very heavy thing on my mind I coincidently looked at a child-Jesus statue, and suddenly I knew that I had to quit having heavy feelings about the case, I will succeed. The Bible rejects images of God any way. But images apart from God Himself of Biblical situations are not rejected. Don't get me wrong, non of the sort of the things as in the occult-paranormal. Statues cannot speak, walk or turn their head. Like I experienced with a woman who went over from Hindu to the pentecostal faith, who called me, alarmed, that a Jesus bust  (a man or a woman only, without expressing a situation is Biblically rejected because it points too much back to itself, missing a scene, unless it gestures and symbols added) turned the head towards her and looked nasty. Another time she called that her bed went up and down. Or in Amsterdam they quit the 'Silent procession' in honour of Mary the mother of Jesus. Then the morning after it was accustomed to do so, each year, the pastor went in his church and ascertained mud on the feet of the Mary statue, what they were accustomed to carry in the procession. Immediatly they restored the procession, founded on their conclusion that Mary did not liked them stopping it. Roman Catholic tradition has alas more of those things, as bleeding people on the places they think that Jesus was transfixed, for example. The Bible warns us through the whole Bible for metaphysical (asking force can come in) disorganizations: don't get in all sorts of diversion, then you know where you stand. As soon as you do this, things get messed up, and start to react different and you don't know what is what. Considder the huge hit of Stevie Wonder (I cannot help this surname): 'VERY SUPERSTITIOUS - VERY SUPERSTITIOUS, WRITINGS ON THE WALL etc. SUPERSTITION AIN'T THE WAY  etc. VERY SUPERSTITIOUS - THE DEVIL IS ON HIS WAY.                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                         
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 27 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The other domain (deceased).

Did You ever have, that the telephone rang and that You heard somebody who died long ago, on the other side?
We all heard things like this. Apart from if we believe the person telling we cannot reject it as a shape it can take, also spirits in the flesh what people are cause things with their responsible part of choices and this loaded with the EFFECTIVE FORCE OF GOD or the asking force.                                                                                                                                                      Once I had a new station for the telephone and it was so new that even the telephonecompany did not knew how it worked precisely. To cut a long story short; I got myself on the telephone.               
Preacher Norman Vincent Peale saw his deceased brother while he was speaking, in the audience. He cherishes this happening though he had to stop his performance, because it shocked his emotions. And it was not a look alike. Stories like this and others you can find in books.                               There is a BORDER between the Earth and the "between lives domain", where deceased partly skip time sleeping and part of time have consciousness. Jesus preached also to the deceased 1Peter 3.18-20 and 1Peter 4.6, also Luke 23.43 'to him Jesus verily I say to thee today, with me thou shalt be in paradise' and the richman and poor Lazarus Luke 16.19-31 the poor in the bosom of Abraham (figurative) and the rich in the fire (our GOD is as a burning fire to clear things out Hebrews 12.27-29 and Deuteronomy 4.24), also Phillipians 1.21.  See also Isaias 14.9, Ezekiel 32.21, Job 26.5-6 about consciousness in death. 
It is not allowed to have full access because the Earth is put under 'free will choices development' , so there is no access to that domain and the other way around. That is why my mother for example had a visit from her deceased father in half awake/sleep condition (in where the connection is more possible), so, that she knew that it was not just a dream. So there is contact 'around the corner', I mean on distance. And that is because you have to develop yourself on Earth in free choice,
not by seeing.                                                                                                         

So deeds have not the same value as it has in this life.
Call on God only Who gives also serving spirits (Hebrews 1.14). Not the other way around (1Samuel 28.6-19, where deceased Samuel being awaken(ed) comes up, and ONLY pray to God; Revelation 22.8). In the Bible 2Chronicles 21.12; Joram received a writing from Elijah who was not in the public domain.                                                                                  So messages as seeing deceased on the street, or getting another message which works also trough time and space by the way, are no nonsense just like that, whether you can believe the person telling or not.                                                                                   That hallucinations are possible doesn't mean that a thing like that don't 
Signs on the wall picturing connection can take different shapes, also to make it acceptable but cannot lie and have no opening for more explanations if they picture precisely that.
Then you are in contactatmosphere, also through time.

Also considder Genesis 5.24 and Hebrews 11.5 about Enoch brought over (metatithemi) (out of public domain not saying ending up where).
2Kings 2.11 Elijah went up (out of public domain not saying ending up where).
Considder also the appearance of Moses and Elijah to Jesus and apostles Luke 9.28-36.
In that domain one cannot produce the results we produce on Earth where we have to go by choice and so come out by ultimate free choice without seeing. 
So skipping time unconscious Ecclesiastes 9.5, 9.10 and time conscious is there in death but the conscious does not gain anything, gaining is on Earth.

Check out the  original Bible -New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

                                                                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                                                                        COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 20 April 2012. Only copy for own use.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The contractor from Kaparnaum, ghosts, spirits, saints, etc..

Keep the praying to God alone the Bible writes, no personality-cult. Roman Catholic tradition does calling on a person, which gets magnified, that is between the person and God, they call on saints and angels, also (deceased) people. Before traveling calling on Christoffel, a human from centuries ago and wear an image of Christoffel in the neck: "Plea for us with God". The fact that 'God did works of power and not the common through the hands of Paul so as even through his handkerchiefs or aprons' pointing to GOD  (Bible Acts 19.11-12) says that praying to God may use Paul or somebody/thing else as mediator, not medium. John fell down to worship the angel; Revelation 22.9; "See, no! a fellow-slave of You for I am, and of the brothers of You, the prophets, and of those keeping the words Scroll of this. To God do worship.". There is also teaching that suffering (saints) means victory for themselfs and others. THAT JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS HAD TO HAPPEN but this does not gain anything on ITSELF. Jesus fulfilled his work going through that, going through TOTAL rejection and OVERCOMMING THAT. Not as substitution for peoples suffering/punishment which prevents worse/tresspassing, he payed with his blood in the sense that he had to go through that. But not; being without any guilt, undergoing the punisment, filling a gap/payback caused by people. See also article: Pay somebody else his/hers debt.
This all does not mean that there cannot be any contact between spirits being Earthpeople or from elsewhere. But the nice thing is that the personal God does not seek PERSONAL honour for Himself. Which is the problem in people thinking that anybody is more than another whatsoever. Jesus made windows, furniture, doors, climbed on roofs etc. next to his teaching. And John the Baptist could not follow him, also because Jesus mingled everywhere and made fun, went to feasts etc.. So keep the ACTUAL PRAYING for the loving, helping, always again-trying-to-help Father and keep the other not-praying-devotions seperated from that if asking help to spirits. And you get all the help(ing) hand(s) you need!

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

                                                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                                                                                                         COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 24 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.

Can anything negative produce any good?

You cannot judge a child born without wedlock, I wrote before. God keeps plugging the good in the bad. God punishes NOT for the punishment, but to get people to choose the richness instead of  the poverty, in all things. I disagreed with Rev. Robert Schuller (Crystal cathedral ministries) that a disaster also opens up opportunities. I received an answer with my IP address mentioned (!) from the Dutch department of them and his next "Positive minute" handled about this, that you have to look further than the disaster. That sounds different, but also they (Dutch department) said; 'ones death is the bread of the other'.  
A child born from a raper is coming to life because of spiritual dirt. Forcing yourself on somebody is wrong but you have to be careful that you cannot judge the (spiritual)-connection between those three.
Somebody from the Oriënt shall wonder why he/she walks into an accident. THE SPIRITUAL SEEKS OPPORTUNITY TO IMPRINT MATTER. So everything is always a copy from a spiritual model/shape. Also the denying of this seeks imprint. Atheism is a faith a belief a conviction too. Psychology works with conditioning, but then you cast out one demon with another; it shouldn't be about programming people at all! People are not computers. Nature is not a computer either!!! The way and using the co-operation of things, and the content of natural things cannot be copied in laboratory. The healthy personal batteries behind steady and temporary things are the soul and the chioces you make, and the last word to GOD, those three. So the lack of righteous intensions causes deviations. For example I buy something that comes from somebody who died. So I choose that it belongs to me. So I don't look at the history, I leave that. It is there on my path and I decide it is mine. So it has to arrive in my sight, and the path is left that it belonged to somebody who died. If that person did not die, would it be on my path? So here you see the situation of continuing for the good and left alone that it took that route. IT IS ONLY ABOUT BENDING TO THE GOOD. Not that the disaster opens up opportunities. Bending to the good is pulling the good and not 'the death of one is bread to the other'. Having an opportunity after somebody died needs to have the label of correction, bettering, fulfilling your situation. Any adversity invites correction, bettering, fulfilling along the WHOLE line, not opportunity.                                                                                                                                                      .                                                                                                                                                                      Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.       

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 24 Jan 2012. Only copy for own use.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

See them flying.

"See them flying" is a Dutch saying: "Ze zien vliegen", that means; being crazy, imagine things. Considder the fact that things tend to appear if you are open to it, it can open up a door that influences happenings. 
Take professor Carl Gustav Jung for example, one of the founders of modern psychology. 
He opened up rubbish too. 
He examined for example spiri(ti)(tual)ism. 
He wrote in his official publications about -for heaven sake- ghosts in his house, and You're not gonna believe this -but look in his books in (almost) every library-; he felt a sensation raising in his chest and said : "I feel something coming up in my chest, in a moment the closet will say 'clijoenk'". And it HAPPENED. 
Freud another father of modern psychology fleed out of his house on one ocasion and did not want too much contact anymore with Jung. 
Spiritists are singing and praying about God, pentecostals are, etc., 
I don't say they are the same

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.                                                                                                                                                             

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 24 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use. 

True happenings co-operating.

How can it be that things fit so good! The point in this, things, happenings, people -that it fit so good- is, that you wonder about the participation of people. For example 'this happens for my benefit, what about THEIR benefit'. People are not marionettes. "Small" things and bigger things participate in things in your life. The thing that happens to you ALSO fits in other peoples benefit. Something what needs to happen as an experience to other people can be put in a bit other shape, so that the content of the situation, is a combination. So it is explanable that for example "even" something drastic can support the person itself but is combined with a purpose supporting mutual benefit. So that the content of the situation serves the purpose of the life of the person, and also the other person(s) involved. The personal-reason-founded connection between the persons involved, serves their current expression and fulfilment of their souls. There is a clause I wrote about before, that it also happens that you participate in something just for the benefit of other people. I heard about a man who was for something in the hospital and the patient next to him was a woman. So they developed further contact and it ended in the woman asking "Would You want to be my father?". (Take position as a father she meant). And so it became. So if you examine this story, it should be better than that, see that they meet in another way. But the additionsum leading to this is never rubbish. THAT IS WHY THERE IS INDEED ALWAYS MAGIC/MEANING IN REAL HAPPENED/HAPPENING THINGS. Another point in this is that you are surprised about the writing on the wall, when they hung Jesus, a guy who was naked with only a sheed, fleed, and they could only fetch his sheed, he succeeded to flee. Crazy; they killed Jesus' body but they cannot grab his spirit, that flees (Marcus 14.51-52). The lucky cookie, how can it have that simularity, that synchronicity, how can the writing on the wall and the reflexion of your intentions be so specific that even people play a role in it!!!!! SO YOU THINK THAT IT MUST BE A MESSAGE, LIKE THE NAKED GUY CAME TO HAPPEN THERE, SO IT MUST BE IMPORTANT You think........ So it can give you an idea, makes you slow down and think first, but that is all. You cannot say that because you get confirmed in circumstances synchron to your will-wish and inclinations, and things you see, that it means that your will wishes and inclinations ARE RIGHT! I don't read a lucky cookie because there is nothing in it for me in that sense. Jehovah-witnesses said to me "I say that I don't want a lucky cookie" and "Men can be weak, that you take a look being curious". Me: "Yeah but there is nothing in it in that sense if you take it like that. I take the lucky cookie and eat it without reading". The cookie being eaten or thrown away asks for the production of another and refused another gets it so better not participate by accept/remove or eat it unread. They; "Yeah there is significance in it". So we continued. The extra meaning in the lucky cookie and these sort of things mess up sobriety of you and nature around you. AS SOON AS YOU ANTICIPATE ON THE EXTRA CONTENT OF THE COOKIE BEING SIGNIFICANT, OR OTHER THINGS HAVING A MESSAGE, THEN YOUR PERSONAL BATTERY COMBINES FOR A PART WITH THE ASKING/TEMPTATION-FORCE-BATTERY and there is some confirmation/polution of the clear........ Happenings thrown on you have the sober (meaning)shape if you don't anticipate on them as a special direction-sign, everybody is connected to the cosmos around them, so things HAVE significance. On top of that things can strike you giving you an idea, make you slow down, think first, that is all. And then it can dig up and get something out what must come out. THAT IS THE sober WRITING ON THE WALL. 

Check out the  original Bibble-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

                                                                                                     COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 19 March 2012. Only copy for own use.                                          

Monday, April 16, 2012

A literal helping hand!!

A lady in The Hague Netherlands experienced the following story;  'From my 27th till my 37th I was a big troublethinker. What was the case? I was not healthy. My thyroid worked too quickly. I walked, so to speak, not in rhythme with the cosmos (nature around you). This was among other things to see on the fact that the menstruation stayed away. I could not keep balance in things. I did not eat, I was gluttonous. All my organs had to do a double job to keep up with the tempo of my metabolism. My heartrate was often more than 100 bpm and for a long time not regular anymore. I had no energy left. I was very unhappy. After being sick and having to leave my work I ended up in the W.A.O. (the Dutch fascility for people unable to work for a longer time, to have an income according to the level they earned before). In the mean time stumbling from one doctor to another. Medicines gave some relieve. During this process a few times already was spoken about an operation. For me that was TOTALY SCARING. I did not dare! And also I was in the opinion that I had to find the saving lifeline myself that would guarantee me the perfect balance between spirit and body. I expected cure from better housing, more sensible nutricion, a satisfying relation, a job that fits me. From all of these things. But in non of these things I succeeded for a longer time, and I stayed sick and miserable and ended up in the hospital. Again they talked about an operation. And still I did not have the guts and thought that I had to find the key to my cure myself, and fleed from the hospital. After months at home I had to give up my resistance because I was used up. The only thing I could do was sleeping. AND THEN IT HAPPENED that my dismay came to an end......... I had a vision, so called. In front of my atticwindow in my garret, appeared in a light a reaching inviting slim hand. Astonished, involuntary I putted my hand fromout my lying position in this hand and rested for a while in it. This was the moment of my surrender. And from that moment I did everything to get the operation by the same doctor which I could not trust before. It became a tremendously successful operation in every sense. After I was freed from my fear I did not need to use any medicine anymore immediatly after the operation. AND NOW TEN YEARS LATER I AM STILL HEALTHY AND GRATEFUL'.                                                                                                                                                   You can try several explanations. But one thing is clear; that this pulled her out of a long period being stuck. The Working Force of God CAN produce a shape like that, as a strong image to get somebody -without taking over free will- to fulfilment. And it depends also on a person self if a thing like this can happen, also because OF WRONG REASONS. Like in for example you see happen in pentecostal conviction, spritualistism, magic thinking (above the personal choice battery), Roman tradition, etc., also superstitious manifestations are seen. The connection also with spirits is possible. The Bible has a "personal unpersonal God" Who seekes the happiness for EVERYBODY. Unpersonal personal means; He wants to be prayed to exclusively, but not for His honour to please as personality cult. So Jesus opened the FULL connection to the Father God, and said to pray; "Our Father Who is in the heavens etc.". NOT MINE OR YOUR OR CHRISTIANS -, NO EVERYBODIES                                                                                   FATHER.                                                                                                                           

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 21 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.         

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jesus name Jeshua.

Bible John 16.24: "Until now not You asked nothing (something) in the name of me; ask, and You will receive that the joy of You may be filled (full)". Bible John 16.26: "In that day in the name of me You will ask, and not I tell you that I will petition the Father concerning You; Himself for the Father (the Father [GOD] Himself) loves You, because You, me, have loved, and have believed that I from God came forth, I came forth from the Father". Jesus name Jesus Jezus Jeshua  Isa or how you translate it, it is clear, which person you mean. Jesus esthablished his name through the work he did in the first century, the world started counting from there. So acknowledging Jesus work you recognize and determine the truth. There is the value of acknowledging. So then Your happiness can be fulfilled fully (John 16.24). It goes without saying that this is of course not meant selfish. Serve eachother is the law the Bible says. 
Bible Matthew 11.12: "And (from) the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of the heavens suffers violence, and the violent seize it". You only have to look to history and look around NOW too, then you see how they preach the opposite of the Bible WITH THE BIBLE IN THEIR HAND! 
So the name of Jesus is A BLESSING. Jesus spitted on the soil, mixed that and putted that on the eyes of somebody and said to wash that out in the bathwater of Siloam, which translated means 'sended out'. So that person regained eyesight, Bible John 9.6. So asking this to do, and the person doing it, embodies the blessing. This has notting to do with magic above the 'personal choice battery', God doesn't use that magic ever. If you have a mascot embodying a meaning, it is not that magic. GOD wants the co-operation of Ezechiel to pray as following and be symbol; Ezechiel got assignment from GOD to lay on his sides eat gingerbread baking it on human excrements. To make a model and stare at it prophetize to it, so that Jerusalem becomes besieged puts hair on his lips and in fire and make a firepot to clean out the sin, and Ezechiel was set to be a symbol. If a minister blesses somebody or something, and it is sober, then God'S fulfilling Working Energy is linked. The same with praying. So embodying a meaning with a mascot, you don't dissect the energy of the value of things involved, to push things. With this magic and an amulet you activate things as a tool to push things. And with blessing, praying, a mascot, you (mean to) embody (only) the meaning of an endresult. So as soon as you count with horoscope-tendencies, or read/be after or do anything else for a reason or getting information before tried everything, then you confuse/obscure the co-operation of things-coming-natural without forcing it or 'use a backdoor' when horoscoping, and asking information before walked this path.
So if you end up "knocking" on the door of the 'asking force' (the devil) don't expect that the guaranteed building and supporting co-operating allknowing Force of God opens up. Leave the last word to the personal un-personality cult God of truth, which Jesus showed fulfilling the law and prophets.                                                                                                                                 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT  RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 27 March 2012. Only copy for own use.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Genes - 2.

The Bible tells about spiritual awareness, a part of that time between death and resurrection, but this is not so in the future Age (aeon in the Bible is sometimes translated as age and sometimes as world). Bible; Romans 8.11; God Who resurrected Jesus will also put Spirit in Your mortal bodies making the mortal body alive. Apart of being whole this is also the picture in the New Aeon (New Age of Jesus). Luke 24.38-42; Jesus said, give me something to eat, so that You can see that I am not a ghost, a ghost don't have flesh and bones. (After his resurrection). The expression 'from heaven', 'spiritual bodies', or 'out of the earth', are Biblical expressions, meaning; coming from low and matter or coming from uphigh spiritual. So you are not going to the consultation agency to get wings. Nor is Peter sitting there scratching his beard to let You in or not!!!!! Key's of the heavenly kingdom, which Peter received, means something else of course.                                                                                                                                      

Check out the  original Bible -New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 19 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.

What WAS it actually what Jesus did?

He stayed faithful in temptation, having the position to organize it otherwise. So he made the right choice in the end. The Devil offered him all the kingdoms of the world for one deed of prayer to him (Matthew 4.8, Luke 4.5). And so I could continue. He was faithful up till death. Not as religion teaches exchange punishment, this is not the backpayment of karma/debt for others.
See also article "Pay somebody else his/hers debt".
So THIS and HIS TEACHING and FULFILLING THE OLD TESTAMENT/ALLIANCE; he esthablished the new testament/alliance. In my name You shall do even more than I did (John 14.12). Until now You did not ask in my name, ask in my name so that Your happiness will be full (John 16.24). It is finished he said hanging on that pole (John 19.30). The way to the inner sanctuary (meaning 100% connection to God) was not open 100% (for people) before Jesus, leading to fulness (Hebrews 9.8). It became dark at the middle of day for 3 hours and the cover of the inner-sanctuary of the temple broke open when Jesus died.......................................................................................................................(Luke 23.45). Using the name of Jesus however does not mean that peoples heart is in it the right way (a.o. Matthew 7.22 & Mark 9.38). Many will come in my name and seduce many (Matthew 24.5). Those that believe in his name shall be children of God (John 1.12). John 14.26; "the but Paracleta the Spirit Holy which will send the Father in the name of me". Acts 3.16; "And on the faith of the name of him, this one whom You behold and know made strong (through) the name of him, and the faith which through him gave to him complete soundness this before (in front of) all of You". Acts 4.7; "And having stood them in the midst inquired, By what power or in what name did do this You?". The fulness of Jesus is offered to EVERYBODY, also those who don't know him. 

Recognizing Jesus truth gives you forgiveness of sin, full life creation as also teaching from the Bible about GOD and Jesus, and Jesus walk and his own teachings about our FATHER'S (GOD'S) fulness.

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

Copyright reserved & published by Hans Michael Chi 2 April 2012. Only copy for own use.