When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on the Earth? -Luke 18.8.
His arrival is with the clouds, as Jesus went away lastly seen by his intimate followers before disappearing in a cloud, not so that he arrives that you cannot choose anymore out of free will, because of the too clear label. It is called αποκαλυπτεται, the revealing of the Lord "at the revelation of the lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of his power" Bible Thessalonians 1.7, and on that 'day' there is a moment for one maybe sooner than the other that you cannot postpone the right choice anymore - a.o. Luke 17.30 and 1Corinthians 15.51-52 "All we shall be changed in an instand in twinkling of an eye" so in the twinkling of an eye this starts. Coming from the dusty we become heavenly 1Corinthians 15.48.
When Jesus comes with clouds, in the air where we are taking up in, we become changed, not as a different being but getting immortality.
The living don't precede the then resurrected but are taking in together when Jesus is in the air seperating good from bad, developing his kingdom on Earth.
After the period of rejection (Luke 17.25), and the Son of man is alone (Luke 9.58). Everybody wanders their own way Isaiah 47.15, 53.6.
The Kingdom of God is not coming so that you can say here or there -Luke 17.20-21. And don't believe that the Son of man is here or there because on his "day" he shall be as the lightning shining from one side of the heavens to the other Luke 17.23-24. So you better not miss the welfare, thinking to wait for the visible angelchiors to see, thinking you start to fly up and there you go up up in the sky. Instead of working along with the healing cloud here on Earth, taking up in that air towards the Lord, our big brother the Son of Man as the Bible calls Jesus! Because later, one may continue and another may not continue, in the New Era.
After the period of rejection (Luke 17.25), and the Son of man is alone (Luke 9.58). Everybody wanders their own way Isaiah 47.15, 53.6.
The Kingdom of God is not coming so that you can say here or there -Luke 17.20-21. And don't believe that the Son of man is here or there because on his "day" he shall be as the lightning shining from one side of the heavens to the other Luke 17.23-24. So you better not miss the welfare, thinking to wait for the visible angelchiors to see, thinking you start to fly up and there you go up up in the sky. Instead of working along with the healing cloud here on Earth, taking up in that air towards the Lord, our big brother the Son of Man as the Bible calls Jesus! Because later, one may continue and another may not continue, in the New Era.
Mark 14.62 'see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven'. The perception of this appears clearly but you don't look up in the sky and see GOD and Jesus on His right Hand sitting and coming down.
Revelation 1.7 "He comes with the clouds".
See about 'cloud' article 'At the wrong time at the wrong place'.
See also about the son of evil comes before Jesus return article: GOD keeps everything in His Hand.
Also Matthew 24.3; "What is the sign of thy presence and the completion of the age?" then Jesus mentions the big tribulations false Jesuses false prophets with big signs but Jesus' presence is as wide as the lightning that lightens from east to west. Also Luke 17.24; "As the lightning which lightens from the one end under heaven to the other end under heaven shines, thus will be also the Son of Man in his day", not day as 24 hours.
Think of the parable of the virgins who were prepared and other not prepared Matthew 25.1-13 in the middle of the night a cry went out 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'.
Think of the parable of the virgins who were prepared and other not prepared Matthew 25.1-13 in the middle of the night a cry went out 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'.
The "day" of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night, the blind don't see the signs and because of that Jesus comes for them as a thief Bible 1Tessalonians 5.3, Revelation 3.3, not for those who see Bible 1Tessalonians 5.4-5. Where the "1000 year" build-up day develops uptill perfectness Bible 1Corinthians 15.24, Revelation 20.4-7.
Acts 1.11; "will come in the manner ye beheld him going into heaven". A cloud received him from their eyes Acts 1.9. Withdrawn from their eyes he will appear visible again to them is written here, this is said to his intimate followers.
2John 1.7; "Many deceivers entered into the world those who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh this is the deceiver and the antichrist".
So before Jesus' full revelation (αποκαλυπτεται) one has to take the (Biblical) message of the end time.
WITHOUT ANY ACTION OF A HUMAN, THE EMPIRES OF THE EARTH ARE EXCHANGED FOR THE EMPIRE OF GOD. DANIËL 2.34-45. Then those who destroy the Earth get destroyed -Revelation 11.18. (And have to come back, sometimes much later).
Revelation 11.15; 'The kingdoms of this world became the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ".
'Don't go there when they say he (Christ) is there!, because he shall be perceived everywhere as the lightning shines out of one part under heaven and shines to the other part under heaven' Luke 17.20-24, Matthew 24.27.
So before Jesus' full revelation (αποκαλυπτεται) one has to take the (Biblical) message of the end time.
WITHOUT ANY ACTION OF A HUMAN, THE EMPIRES OF THE EARTH ARE EXCHANGED FOR THE EMPIRE OF GOD. DANIËL 2.34-45. Then those who destroy the Earth get destroyed -Revelation 11.18. (And have to come back, sometimes much later).
Revelation 11.15; 'The kingdoms of this world became the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ".
'Don't go there when they say he (Christ) is there!, because he shall be perceived everywhere as the lightning shines out of one part under heaven and shines to the other part under heaven' Luke 17.20-24, Matthew 24.27.
Also "he shall come unto us as the rain as the latter and former rain unto the earth" Hosea 6.3. Hosea 6 writing about 3 cosmic "days", millions of earthyears, about the end of the era (aeon) Jesus arriving.
It will show that Jesus is on the right hand of POWER and appears in clouds.
Also Bible Matthew 26.64.
It will show that Jesus is on the right hand of POWER and appears in clouds.
Also Bible Matthew 26.64.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 10 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.