Thursday, April 19, 2012

The contractor from Kaparnaum, ghosts, spirits, saints, etc..

Keep the praying to God alone the Bible writes, no personality-cult. Roman Catholic tradition does calling on a person, which gets magnified, that is between the person and God, they call on saints and angels, also (deceased) people. Before traveling calling on Christoffel, a human from centuries ago and wear an image of Christoffel in the neck: "Plea for us with God". The fact that 'God did works of power and not the common through the hands of Paul so as even through his handkerchiefs or aprons' pointing to GOD  (Bible Acts 19.11-12) says that praying to God may use Paul or somebody/thing else as mediator, not medium. John fell down to worship the angel; Revelation 22.9; "See, no! a fellow-slave of You for I am, and of the brothers of You, the prophets, and of those keeping the words Scroll of this. To God do worship.". There is also teaching that suffering (saints) means victory for themselfs and others. THAT JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS HAD TO HAPPEN but this does not gain anything on ITSELF. Jesus fulfilled his work going through that, going through TOTAL rejection and OVERCOMMING THAT. Not as substitution for peoples suffering/punishment which prevents worse/tresspassing, he payed with his blood in the sense that he had to go through that. But not; being without any guilt, undergoing the punisment, filling a gap/payback caused by people. See also article: Pay somebody else his/hers debt.
This all does not mean that there cannot be any contact between spirits being Earthpeople or from elsewhere. But the nice thing is that the personal God does not seek PERSONAL honour for Himself. Which is the problem in people thinking that anybody is more than another whatsoever. Jesus made windows, furniture, doors, climbed on roofs etc. next to his teaching. And John the Baptist could not follow him, also because Jesus mingled everywhere and made fun, went to feasts etc.. So keep the ACTUAL PRAYING for the loving, helping, always again-trying-to-help Father and keep the other not-praying-devotions seperated from that if asking help to spirits. And you get all the help(ing) hand(s) you need!

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

                                                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                                                                                                         COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 24 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.

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