Monday, May 28, 2012

Pay somebody else his/hers debt.

One of the gaps between me and traditional (Roman) Christianity -apart from the added superstition in it- is the problem with the veneration of the cross in the sense that it is a paying of debt as an exchange by the-being-without-guilt of Jesus which is true by the total of his work.
He had to suffer because of our tresspassings.
They see it as filling-a-punishment-gap-payment without Jesus having debt, from Jesus. Which is also true but not in the sense that GOD had to fulfil the punishment through the punishment because of the punishment instead of the whole of his work faithful uptil death.
That it was inherent is one thing but it is not there to pay for You and me in that sense. He payed with his blood and he brought our sins on -and naled them on- the cross as they say, is right -but- BECAUSE IT WAS INHERENT, IT HAPPENED. But not that God had to fulfil the punishment on Jesus in that sense. 
Jesus had the ability to eliminate the punishment, the curse, and it came on him through doing his work and life on Earth. He could fill the hole, the gap, with his work. But not through undergo the punishment from the curse (cursed Earth); that came on him in the solving work; through his righteous teaching and his doing. 
The consequence of eliminating the punishment by his work was punishment executed by sinners, so the punishment sinners generally deserve came on Jesus. Where Jesus voluntary went through this doing GOD'S will all together, resulting in resurrection.
And so became a ransom.
Isaiah 53.4-5; "Surely our griefs he had borne our sorrows and carried yet we did esteem him strucken smitten of GOD and afflicted. But he wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniqiuties the chastisement of our peace upon him and with his stripes we are healed".
The consequenses of peoples sin came on him they prosecuted and killed him.
What people deserve came on him.
So apart from the question if Jesus made mistakes (Why You call me good? One is good, the Father Mark 10.18, Luk. 18.19) he is faithful in not avoiding consequences, having all possibilities, of his life and work up till death! In his completed teaching of the Father he succeeded, believing and following this is healing. Together with confessing our sins.
Every humanoid can refer to the son of man as the Bible calls Jesus, it is finished Jesus said on the cross (John 19.30), he fulfilled it for past, the then-present, the then-future and now future, standing in for it for every soul including himself.   
See also article "What WAS it actually what Jesus did?".

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                                                                                                                         COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 13 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Guidelines in the Bible for the full fulfilment of all souls.

Bible John 8.19;  'If You knew me (recognize/identify), You would know my Father' (& everybodies Father) 'too', Jesus said. 'Whoever follows me (acknowledge and follow) will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life' John 8.12. --The light of life produces the things that express everything which is the reason/cause of the whole universe with everything in it and everything that happens. Instead of this tendency you see poluting this concept by the things people do. Because they loose out of sight the thing which is in the next line; John 8.20; 'Yet no one seized him, because his time not yet had come'. That means that God'S intentions produces things in time, and God'S way doesn't use a backdoor -skipping things you need expressed- by stealing, calculating astrology or magic {magic above the 'personal choice battery' leverage through the dissected value of things}. Because these things go outside of the symbioses of things which (need to) express(es) all things. Getting things out of calculating astrology, you skip things that need to happen in the coincidencing creation and also generate, while doing, another calculated situation (because you arrive there to do it, there is an OTHER POSITION), and outcome. On "the front" (of lifescene) Jesus could be grabbed just like that, but it did not come so far because THE "MAGNETIC" GRAVITYPOINT OF THINGS THAT NEEDED TO HAPPEN did not came so far that they attacked him fully. Jesus respected the rightness and goodness and perfectness of the way of God which brings forth the truth shape of all things, to secure the full expression of all souls. The force of creation is intention(s) which you 
see appear.                                                                                                                                                          
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.     .                                                                                                                                                                         COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 27 Aug 2011. Only copy for own use.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blowing wind.

How is Your cloud? How is my cloud??? This may sound silly but there is always an atmosphere and something in the air. So it is about the content of an atmosphere. You walk into a house or office or anything and there is something hanging there between you and there. For example, I was concerned-excited going in somewhere about a case and the person who it concerned was walking down the corridor and suddenly everything was alright. I felt a good relaxed peaceful atmosphere. This is an extreme example, but without being conscious of it, it also happens that way. So if your intention is positive there is a positive cloud with positive results coming out of it. Not from the images you have in your mind or your attitude but because of your intention. So don't mind the image or attitude. And not in the least place but the first ALLOW GOD IN THE CLOUD.                                                                                                                                                           .

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 11 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.

God'S providence DOES take care of things.

Things ALWAYS come together in God'S perfect symbioses. The 'polution' people bring in, causes deviations, but in these deviations God gives a way out. But you don't have the perfect situation. 
How can it be that people play a part in YOUR happenings so that it has a meaning??? The coming together of things in the play of life is causal. The Divine providence is able to forsee things, so that your things can be connected to something necessary. Sometimes you walk into situations that you say; HOW CAN THIS FIT TOGETHER THAT I PRECISELY CONNECT TO THIS. God'S providence, or does your subconscious know, that if you do something at this and that time, it will be connected to that and that happening, so, that you come to do that thing at that precise time and place. And that it is not rooted, in God'S way, but your own anticipating with or without other influences you let in. Like for example in reverend Norman Vincent Peale's books, where is written that negative thinking itself is dangerous because that has the inclination to fulfil. He adds superstitional power to it this way.
You can walk into things, coinciding with things from which you judge the meaning wrong. That it comes from God. You think there is a guidepost in the normal writing on the wall, because it fits so good, which brings you further away from the right track. And doing that, you get confirmed in circumstances the wrong way again. So if you cut out occult-magical thinking and relation delusion, you're allright. SO THE WAY OF GOD IS FREE OF THOSE THINGS. The power of God and the prayerpower of God concerns only creating through symbioses (things reflect something because of symbioses) not; organizing/adjusting things BECAUSE OF A SUPPOSED LEVERAGE ABILITY; bending the way, so that the value is seen as an influence. Because GOD works at the shapes that expresses all souls desire. For example in itself gem-stones don't have the ability to leverage happenings. They play a part in the atmosphere but happenings, and healing for example, you relate to that, are in fact from a different order you call on, so deviation comes in; other forces do their work which are not in the ways of God, 
which way I described. 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
                                                                                                                                                         .                                                                                                                                                                        COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 24 Aug 2011. Only copy for own use.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Potato's, rag-and-bones, and other sort unexpected stuff.

I experience things You don't believe. And on the other hand a lot of people do. "I can't share this with anyone, because of the strangeness, they will not believe it". If you talk about coincidence - let's say things put together so that they influence eachother, then there are in a totaly crazy surprising way things moving eachother. You make a mistake and along the mistake something appeared what was very useful to something else. You have a hold up that appeared useful. Being striked with the idea; 'What has the hold up reason to do with the right outcome of THIS'. I did not know if I should trust my bankmanager understanding the picture as it is, and what do You think I hear on the radio?! "Leila does not know if she should trust her bankmanager". IT IS UP TO YOU TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH IT. 
I had a problem being worried about demolishing-plans and had to go to the potatowarehouse -it is called- and what do You think: I passed two people with papers on them. Coming back from the potatowarehouse (in the mean time thinking) with the potatos under my arm I asked them and they appeared to be from the municipality and gave me the number of the very right person. So this was 'given' to me (I had also an ask-position) and got into the position to see what to do with it. That is why, together with other examples a spiritistwoman said, misunderstanding, about me; "His god is  a second hand rag-and-bone man". So with me it is God (no grey beard of course; looking down over the fence who to punnish) - God Who Works between the lines and if you're open to it it happens! {God keeps knocking on peoples doors who wander far off}.                                                                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                                                                         
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 11 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.

At the wrong time at the wrong place.

Matter is subordinate to spirit, so it is about forces behind the scene. A (life)scene can bend the other way around. So some dangerous looking guys could attack you or not....... Jesus' time was not come yet so he walked just through them despite the threat. People were after him grabbing him and wanting to throw him off the precipice etc.; Bible a.o. John 7.30-32, Luke 4.28-30. So things don't come together just like that if the batterypicture (content) is not supporting it. Let me give an example. God can use a thing and put that together with something that needs to happen anyway. So there can be a putting together where a thing what needs to happen sooner or later anyway, gets connected to a thing from somebody else what needs to happen sooner or later anyway TOO. Also is there supporting from one person to another without direct practical mutual benefit. 
And then about for example having trouble to explane the accident where somebody dies, from which you cannot think that he or she gets punished for something. A happening like this works together in a totality where you have to considder the (very) long run; eternity. Things serve the bigger plan and eternity. So we don't know what the content of the cause is why this accident came together. But you cannot say that there is no content in it. A person is not send to his/her next life without cause. And you cannot seek the cause in randomness happenings without causing battery. You cannot transgress the law of God -which serves the good outcome of everything- without the effect of that. So we don't always like the togetherputtings of things of this world....... God however doesn't force His law the hard way. He seeks voluntary co-operation. We are not robots. So transgression causes deviations and imperfectness but no randomness; in the end God secures/guaranties the manifestation of all souls, WITHIN the deviation. Bible about forces from behind the scene in the air; Ephesians 2.2; "according to the age world of this, according to the ruler of the authoroty of the air, the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience". 1Thessalonians 4.17; "will be caught up in clouds to a meeting of the Lord in air". Ephesians 6.12; "Because not is to us wrestling against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authoroties, against the world's rulers of the darkness age of this, against the spiritual of evil in the heavenlies". Hebrews 12.1; "encircling us a cloud of witnesses, weight laying aside every (laying aside every -) and the easily surrounding sin".   
Ezekiel 30.3; "Day of JEHOVAH is near a day of clouds, it shall be the time of the nations". Daniël 7.13; "One like the Son of Man came with the clouds of the heavens". Mark 14.62; "You will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of the heaven". Revelation 1.7; " Behold he comes with the clouds and every eye will see him". Revelation 14.14; "A cloud white and upon the cloud one sitting like the Son of Man".                                                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                                                                                     
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 6 Sept 2011. Only copy for own use.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Piet (uncle Pete).

If you see anything beautiful, for example, it is an expression of something spiritual. So you can see in things what they mean. Compare Bible Romans 1.20, where is written that people have no excuse as if you cannot recognize things. Science often tries to tell us that things exist because of nothing. They are even not sure that they see and hear what they see and hear! There is a book for example what is called "Solibsism". A solibsist then is somebody (solo) who says; I only think that I exist and the rest is my fantasy. You could wonder why he wrote the book if he thinks there is nobody to read it. Only as a selfconfirmation? Back to the scientists; So these people are very interested to explane why there is what there seems to be, because of nothing. So why the effort because of nothing, if the scientist thinks he/she and the rest, is just a meaningless combination of coincidental 'nature', and WHAT sort of selfconfirmation if he/she has no SELF in that perspective?!! Mechanical???!!! Let us end this totaly stark ravin' mad rubbish and let's talk about Piet, Piet was a colleague of my father who worked at the furniturecompany, uncle Piet for me. After his pension he had help for the household. At a certain moment, there appeared a photo in his house of the woman who helped him .... and he gave her presents. Before You feel pity for him, I am going to explane something: it is possible that the lottery of life puts two people together, and there is always a SITUATION THAT CARRIES THE PURPOSE. Try to think of an example that there isn't. Like I wrote in "The garbage can" it comes with SOMETHING ELSE, and if not, you use something to get it; but you cannot do nothing and get it, there has to be ANY situation. So the lottery of life did Piet meet this help in the house AND I DON'T REJECT AT ALL THE IDEA THAT THEY MET EACHOTHER IN LIFE and that there was healthy affection. Of course it is possible to overdo it and even commit sin in that. 
So there is not a mechanical universe but a spiritual universe and happenings. And it depends on you that you knock on doors, and if you hear the knock to open up, and keep in mind that you could frustrate things instead of keep an open mind!!! Bible Romans 1.20; "the For unseen things of Him, from creation of of (the) world, by the things made being realized is being understood; the both eternal of Him power and Godhead: for to be them without excuse". (The denyers of things are seeing blind).                                                                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                                                                     
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT  RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 8 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.


What causes circumstances? The only thing that influences circumstances, and matter in the end, is choices. Fear for example is not an engine. God said; let there be ... (what He chooses) and the Spirit of God moved over the waters (Bible Genesis). Organizing influence on things comes from choices you make and is not directly corrected by God, because of the free will. (Sub)consciously you walk into circumstances connecting to the choices you made. God inspires, and also uses circumstances. Sometimes you have to come forward and act for yourself and others in meeting circumstances which are necessary to take care of. Why does this happen to me you may say. The answer then is: certain things need to happen along your line, so you can help, set an example, influence something, inspire something, play a part in something from which you don't know the full length. So you can misunderstand why it happens.
Not before you choose to go that way, superstition comes in with the magic coming from that. The objection against magic above the 'personal choice battery', using dissected forces/influences in nature, pushing things for a certain outcome, is, that it messes up where things are for; namely the expression of all souls in the things that exist. You cannot separately grab things and organize the effect out of that, to push something (to a result). Then you have messed up the organized shape of things WHICH IS AN EXPRESSION, and reduced that to loose stimulating elements which are not
coherent-natural. And SO this way it goes 'through a backdoor', leaving the co-operation of all things what guaranties again the expression of all things; you skip this way. Doing this you put God'S all-knowing warranty aside
, in separately manipulating with the value of things, using as a force. And you put aside the pure choice force which symbioses fully TO FULL EXPRESSION. Choices influence a totality where details co-operate, with God on top of the organizing principle to secure the full expression of all souls.                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                         
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 2 Nov. 2011. Only copy for own use.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The garbage can.

Most of the time the subconscious is playing a big part; something is used to get something else along the line. For example you go out for something and with or without the something another thing appears what you specificly need. There is for example something I heard more often; they call it 'the library angel'; you wander around and you just take a book what is just there because you are at that spot to take a peek at that very nice lady or guy who was sitting there. And to your surprise you catch just a page with a part on it that one way or the other gives you the impulse to the very right idea what you needed at that time, or the information you want. So also bump to the very right person on the street. Seeing hearing meeting things what fits remarkable in what you are busy with! On some occasions though, I had a very conscious awareness to specificly go out for something. I wanted a niche to put two statues in, of a Biblical situation. So, just like that, in the evening, I had the feeling to get out and go for the niche just like that! Crazy or not crazy, I am going I thought by myself. So I went on the bicycle over the bridge next to my house and moved on in a few streets and thought by myself "No it is not here". So I took the second bridge back and went to a moat, drove beside the moat and had the feeling to go over the bridge, at the same time thinking about the crazy rubbish I was doing. Well I went over that bridge there and moved into a street "Yeah yeah, here it is" was my idea, and the next moment thinking that I need a straitjacket; "It is only an Amsterdammertje" (pole to prevent cars parking on the stoop). So me going on and at the end of the street the feeling became too much and still I didn't give in, but HAD to stop and walked back and guess what was there ............. a niche you cannot possibly find in a shop, standing with the garbage can!!!!!!! You imagine getting CLOSER and CLOSER and then you recognize it!! ME GOING HOME WITH A VERY  DEEP FEELING OF DEEP UNDERSTANDING. AND A FEW MOMENTS LATER; HOW CAN I PUT A THING LIKE THIS TO THE BENEFIT OF OTHER PEOPLE (in the sense of the meaning of this) and feeling sad despite the gladness, I bicycled home with the niche under my arm...                                                                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                                                                         
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 4 Sept 2006. Only copy for own use.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Placebo nocebo.

Placebo means that science discovers that medicine with notting in it causes healing. Nocebo means that the negative expectation-effects including side-effects of the medicine it "impersonates", are suffered by the guineapig, without being told what they were. HOW CAN THIS BE!? The answer is simple; these people are addressable/agreeable for superstition, apart from the healthy striving. Psychology uses certain things too: project things on somebody, address somebody with an intention by imagining that being projected on somebody. So physical effects are also reached for the positive and the negative, in this perspective, 'cast out one "demon" with another', so the unbalance is there. So don't walk into your own synchronicity-results, thinking that it is the right result, or a guidepost. The power of positive thinking etc., is occult-magical above the 'personal choice battery'/superstitional thinking, too. Things like that are based on will wishes and strivings like that, are only causing that effect because of a certain believe in magic-above-the-'personal-choice-battery'. And can receive power from the asking force, develish force. Because the opinions you have (others is soul and God) has notting to do with positive or negative expecting of the outcome you want, but concerns the choices. Unless you choose to believe in 'expecting' and go in that magic here, then uptill certain point it can get support from the 'asking force battery'. Because it only can get fed/givin' 'current' by the choice for something and not by the trust or distrust that it will turn out as you choose or by the outcome-picture you imagine. Fill in the chosen picture, be busy with it, accept God as partner and He will do His part. SO SEE HERE THE TERMS OF THE WORKING OF PLACEBO NOCEBO AND HOW TO AVOID THAT. 
Intentions can be supported by God if you pray, then God blesses your strivings. If it is conform the true inner meaning; it has support from God to mutate and 'walk' to solutions. Then it will be leaded. Without taking any work out of peoples hands. Believing that God wants the best for you without filling in what it is about as an obligation, for example with a healing of Jesus; JUST BE OPEN TO IT. So the concept concerning must be agreed with you, agree also that God exist, and accept His supremation in knowing the best and being able to do what you cannot do yourself. And respect the righteous way and the co-ordination of things and all right things that need to happen, so that all things play THEIR SIGNIFICANT ROLE OF EXPRESSION. So: if something is conform the true meaning of right expression of peoples (everybodies) soul, then it has the right support to mutate to a solution, and come to a result. If somebody is agreeable for superstition then he or she can be afflicted by intentions of others and also afflict him/herSELF uptill certain point, because of the wrong support!!                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                                                                                                                     
Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  by Hans Michael Chi 1 May 2012. Only copy for own use.