Monday, December 9, 2013

The non-public life of Jesus.

The public life of Jesus is written in several historybooks. For example Flavius Josephus {also about Jesus' brother (Mark 3.21, John 7.1-13, Galatians 1.19)}, Cornelius Tacitus, Lucian of Samosata, Pliny The Younger, Celsus, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, Thallus, Mora Bar Cepurian, The Talmud, Aristides The Athemian, Justin Martyr, Ignatius of Antioch, Hegesippus, Clement of Rome, the koran, Mishna, Midrashin, Phlegon, Julius Africanus, Philo of Alexandria.
But what about the non public life of Jesus??
What did he do before. And..... after.
He  physicaly resurrected (Lucas 24.39-42; "a spirit has no flesh and bones as You see I have" and he ate some fish) and after 40 days disappeared in a cloud, the Bible writes. But there are no specifics if he left the Earth immediately or what. Only that he "sits on the right hand of Power" (a.o. Matthew 26.64) till the "day" he (Luke 17.30) is revealed again (αποκαλυπτεται). This 'right hand of Power' is a position a title. There is for example also an expression in the Bible; 'from heaven' meaning coming from above, from God'S domain, and coming 'from earth' meaning coming from matter, from below, worldly. If you don't know these, it can confuse things in for example 'heavenly Kingdom' which don't means living upthere. Also aeon meaning worldage and kairós as parts of that for another example, and worldhours pankósmies óres, and 'days', aeons goes about very big periods uptill millions of earthyears, but just translating aeon with 'world' it can support the teaching that the Earth is going to be demolished; 'this world (aeon) ends', there where the Bible for example a.o. in Psalms 104.5 writes "the earth is for ever and ever".

This article is not about acknowledging claims about Jesus been uptill Shingo Japan, but about the principle that Jesus resurrected in the flesh (Give me something to eat so that You see that I am no spirit which has no flesh and bones as I have, they gave some fish and honeycomb, Bible Luke 24.36-43) and the meaning of Jesus retracting from publicity to the position of the right hand of Power.

There are several stories about that Jesus, before and after (resurrected) his public life, traveled to the East and even uptil Herai, now called Shingo, near Hatsidate Japan. 

There are stories on top of stories and facts but if you cut away the weeds there is something left.

There was a vivid travelroute from East to West and vice versa in that time. You only had to join into the group of travelers. Inns where literal everywhere every so much kilometers.
Via India Tibet further China, where stories about Jesus passing there, still are very alive. Swami Abhedananda founder Vedanta Society New York, tried to debunk the story of Jesus been in India Tibet and further China region (a.o. Nicolas Notovitch, Nicholas Roerig) but discovered copies of original hidden documents.
Also in Islam.
Apart from this it is of some interest that Jesus and Siddharta Gautama (Buddha) did simular things as signs teachings anyway, Jesus could be welcomed there anyway.
Why stating at forehand that a thing like this is impossible? However don't swallow things just like that. 
A Shinto high priest Kiyomaro Takeuchi who's family is connected to the emperor which is high(est) Shinto priest, for millennia, recognized officialy this matter in 1936.

If you cut away the weeds (a lot) there is something left. 

Search "The lost years of Jesus" and you find on the line Israël-Japan a lot. 
Writers and researchers about Jesus traveling to the East: Charroux, Kiku Yamane, Rowland G. Gould, Y.S Matsumara, Aziz Kashmiri, Jandai Monji, Laurent J. Teisseire, Prof. J. Meulman, Joseph Eidelberg, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Marvin Tokayer, Nicolas Notovich, Edward T. Martin, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, Nicholas Roerich (Roerich pact core element in foundation United Nations, 3 times nominated Nobelprice for peace, Nicholas Roerich museum New York), Holger Kersten, Swami Abhedananda (Vedanta Society New York), Gloria Basque (head of International Fellowship of Faith), Elizabeth Caspari (a.o. founder montesorischools and trainingscentres throughout America), sir Francis Younghusband, palm leaf books, many Islamic and Hindu historical works, and more.

Suwa Taisha shrine Ontohsai 15th of the 4th each year, in Nagano prefectuur; festival illustrating the story of Isaac, Bible Genesis 22, one of the important rituals in Shinto religion. Mount Moriya is the holy place there, Genesis 22.2 Moria. The original Japanese Shinto belief is free of idols, like the Bible is. It is very surprising that the Shinto religion rituals are same as in the Bible for that part. 
The standingpoint that matter, places, is spirit related, in Shinto, is right in the sense that things always represent/embody something, only their explanation that you should please, pay honour and pray to spirits because of the fact that they are in that matter, places, differs of course from the Bible where the praying must point to GOD Who puts everything/-body where it is.
Spirit(ual) (reason) in everything.
Honour GOD first next to honour spirit(s) of people in the flesh or spirit or other spirits, with GOD above that.
There is however one Absolute Creator in Shinto, the holy couple Izanagi & Izanami are on the eighth place in the creationorder, the line of emperors are still the highpriests. The Kami in things means 'that what is above (it)'. The Divine spirit demands life on Earth for joy, happiness, fulfilment, the goal is to come in unity with the DIVINE. Harmony is the word. Here and now is the characteristic.
God is absolute monarch in the Bible. Idol honouring or calling on anybody or anything only pointing to GOD in this perspective. Compare the apron of Paul healing Bible Acts 19.11-12 and 2Kings 13.21 where close to the bones of Elisha somebody came to life again, works by {(sub)conscious} agreement of the participants.
The purity rituals in Shinto are striking, symbolizing getting to the the purity, orginality, of all things.
Some simularities with the Bible are striking. The offering on Moriya I mentioned. Also the Mikoshi, shape and purpose very similar as Tabernacle, is put inside the building called Jikkenroh and compared with the Ark. 75 Dearheads (no sheeps in ancient Japan) are offered where 75 heads of lambs are offered in the Biblical Samarian Passover Festival, dears and lambs are Kashrut in the Bible. Survey of the Jikkenroh is same size as Sanctum Tabernacle and both a roof without walls and skeleton of a building with pilars arranged at regular intervals. Branches of Sakaki, flowering evergreen, are used, also to clarify the body, as hyssop (Bible) for the same purpose. Onbashira, over there, wooden poles on each corner as in temples Jerusalem. A Mikoshi is indispensable in festivals of Shinto shrines. There are festivals in every small town in any season.
Isukiri in the documents Jesu Christi Jesus Christ.
The beauty in Shinto tells something.
Also in the area around Herai traditions alien to the rest of Japan as; dialect, place name as in Hebrew, foreign looking facial features, clothing as toga-like robes for men, veils worn by women, babies in woven baskets and wrapping them in robes embroidered with a star of David like symbol, crosses on their forehead of charcoal as talisman.
They renamed the village in 1955 Shingo which was Herai resembling Heburai Japanese for Hebrew.
Eli Cohen ambassador of Israel dedicated a plaque in 2004 about the Hebrew ties between Shingo and Israël.
HOWEVER IN THE BIBLE YOU ONLY PRAY TO the "unpersonal"*-everybodies-Father-GOD revealed by the Bible and Jesus Christ - *Who doesn't seek  personality cult- WHO GIVES ALL THE REST, AND FOR EXAMPLE A HANDKERCHIEF OR APRON (Bible Acts 19.11-12) OF PAUL HEALS POINTING TO GOD.

So you can state that we cannot say what Jesus did between his 12th and thirty-something 
AND what he did after getting out of sight, seperating from the more intimate followers; Luke 24.50-51: "and he let them out as far as to Bethany and having lifted up his hands he blessed them and it came to pass as was blessing he them he was separated from them and was carried up into the heaven" not mentioned which, as sky, spiritual or (further) universe,  Enoch went up to heaven not saying ending up where 2Kings 2.11 Elijah sended a letter after that 2Chronicles 21.12, Mark 16.19, Acts 1.9-11, -where Jesus' 'sitting on the right hand of Power' started because HE WAS READY, FINISHED HIS WORK FAITHFUL UNTIL DEATH and was taken up to Heaven(ly position).
Stephen saw the Son of man (Jesus) next to the glory of GOD, "full of Spirit Holy having looked intently into heaven" and: "the heavens opened" Bible Acts 7.55, here we have a representing image, the position of Jesus not the dwellingplace, Bible Acts 7.54-60.
He left publicity like that. 
Jesus; 'It is better that I go, then the Comforter can come' John 16.6, 
John 14.16-17: "I will petition THE FATHER , and another Paraclete (Comforter) He will give You, that He abide with You forever, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, whom the world (worldly of this aeon) is not able to receive, because not it sees Him, nor knows Him".
He left public life like that.
But where Jesus precisely "bodyly" went is not said.
Immediately to (a) heaven as dwellingplace or what is not explaned in the Bible.

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by  Hans Michael Chi  29 Sept, 2006. Only copy for own use. 


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