Friday, December 2, 2016

Biblical-devious teachings in Biblical religions.

It is striking how people use Jesus words and the Bible deviating from the concrete in the Bible.
So they count with calculating astrology attune to energy of minerals attune to blossomremedies, Catholic priests put runes (Run = Germanic meaning secret occult-magical and miraculous) on their vestment, bless matter as water to forward blessing for example instead of a house or person or situation. And pray to the "unpersonal personal" everybodies Father GOD, revealed by Jesus, Who does not seek personalitycult as is seen in saints, angels etc. with their specialities. Jesus only pointed to the FATHER without personal things of himself, that is left out, like it is not and playing a role with Roman Catholic saints. Which differs from the sober thing; connecting the co-operation of the pray-intentions of a soul alive in the flesh or not. But not go via this soul to GOD as for example build-in a statue of saint Barbara in tunnels (wrong accent, Barbara in front) as they do in the so Protestant Holland (!!!). Where is the right to do so in public place!!!
I met a priest who got a red face when preaching. During this sermon he always looked in one direction, mine by the way, and walked away on occasions or shortened it. Later they said that he was sick and somebody else did the mass. Later he turned up again. So when he was busy it was alright but during sermon he did not trust the situation. I told a psychologist this who said that apart from believing in GOD what I said, he also needs to believe in himself, what I kept contradicting. SO THERE WE GO AGAIN WITH THE THINGS I MENTIONED HERE, Catholicism alas has those things which you cannot find in the additionsum of the whole Bible which provides us the concept for all things to form opinion.

Emptying the mind instead of be inspired by the things GOD uses, give power to own believing in something personality power of positive thinking law of attraction law of abundance law of compensation law of cause and effect. Counting with searched omens, is a thing like that, which puts you different in the whole thing connecting to that, where the healthy intuition has to organize things and sort out instead of put synchronicities together by anticipating on that, so -also not meant- the asking force has an opening to come in.
All these things disturb the fully co-operation of things to fully express everything.
Teach that things are so (happen) that you develop yourself and others and society, instead of because of the soul where everything is for, development cannot be without fulfilment of the topical needs of the manifestation of the soul and that result later.
Un-natural powers as lifting a heavy load instead of the use of  natural methodes which co-operate to express the whole thing. Fast travel without any form of transport just like that (teleportation).
Things are what they are and so express everything and we should not lessen that. Along those lines everything happens.
Striking how they point to the Biblical GOD in spiritism for example and manifest things outside of Biblical order. Also I see pentecostals get out of (Biblical) hand a.o. lying unconscious in their church (falling in the Spirit they call it) where also the situation of the first Christians does not count 1Corinthians 13.8-9. 
Escaping the search for improvements by explaning every sort adversity away. We all know that the Bible writes over and over again that GOD lets for example attack the people by their enemies (preventing more worse) because of their sin. Deny and disregard this Earth as dwellingplace forever as the Bible states. No understanding alas of the fact that wonders are signs respecting the give-and-take-not-going-outside natural order and exceptions and not casual.
Forgiveness and teaching exist both so you don't need to pay back what you did wrong and you may go through teaching. Everything in good balance and order without overcropping and so steal.
Even ideas about conception of man by mindpower in that line.
And all that with Biblical GOD before and here and there and surrender.
Power of affirmations also, there where a motto is healthy.
Being at more than one place at the time just like that is another unhealthy example of that line. Do healthy things you are not aware of during sleep can happen in other level. Also interference of spirits is another thing that happens too in this.

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 2 December 2016 by  Hans Michael Chi. Only copy for own use.

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