Arousement on itself is because of like-reason, seeing somebody, not because of the manly + (yang) or womanly _ (yin). Plus and minus are eachothers equivalent and the other side of the same. So arousement should happen with opposite and same sex, but at certain point it becomes sexual-full-intimacy-related arousement; I see for example those advertisements or artists etc. with intimate suggestions (also without any nakedness) publicly, in clothes, gestures and nakedness, lifting up a leg or pointing a buttock which dismantles my excitement, because that goes beside this arousement into intimacy on further party. Also -womanly (internalizing) and manly (externalizing)- being man-wife-play you cannot practise on same gender without equalizing and transgressing eachothers reverse, above girdle the 'standing hard giving external protected' (man) or the 'hanging soft receiving internal unprotected' (woman). So is 'covered intimacy' again exciting for further party, because that intimicy is not there, being the equivalent as the other side of the same.
So stroke touch not-intimate-kiss hug, with covering clothes on intimate places is not overlapping man(ly)-wife/womanly experience where also other parts are involved, in Biblical perspective. So cuddling touching apart from moving against eachother dry humping grinding and not lying down and or on top of eachother is the perspective.
Songs of Songs 6.9 'But my dove my perfect one is one alone'.
You have to weigh carefully occasions, king Saul undressed himself while in spiritual extasy and was naked the whole day and night in presence of Samuël, not to say afterwards how to weigh this, Bible 1Samuël 19.21-24.
Bible Isaias 20.2-3 the prophet walking around naked for 3 years painting the way prisoners even with buttock naked will be driven away. Not mentioned as by Jesus on the cross if concerning the crotch, where buttock is mentioned as naked.
Also Bible Genesis 9.21-28; Noach gut drunk and was lying naked, then Cham came in, saw it, and told his brothers who putted a mantle on their shoulders and walked backwards towards their father to cover his nakedness keeping their face turned away and they were promoted because they took action. Cham did nothing and forwarded it. And had no reward.
So, it is about what reason is there.
Weigh occasions.
So the diversion from full happiness meant in the Bible (a.o. Romans 1.26, it was also a cult there) is about trespassing and copying the shape of the holy unity {copulation, seeing (exposure contradicts intimacy) and touching/crossing genitals zone above hug-touching covered breasts and manly crotch, (unless self-touching postponed by reaching the top imagening when alone [Songs of Songs 5.4-6], keeping the man wife meaning underneath in that topping)} of the uppersoulmates, by two or more people at the same time, which are friends or less. BECAUSE THIS (man-wife intimacy) IS IN A MANIFESTATION OF PERFECTNESS/FULLNESS TUNING where also two equal bodies (man-man woman-woman) cannot come fitting. In case of Bible Rom 1.26 also women-women and man-man as a cult.
You have to weigh carefully occasions, king Saul undressed himself while in spiritual extasy and was naked the whole day and night in presence of Samuël, not to say afterwards how to weigh this, Bible 1Samuël 19.21-24.
Bible Isaias 20.2-3 the prophet walking around naked for 3 years painting the way prisoners even with buttock naked will be driven away. Not mentioned as by Jesus on the cross if concerning the crotch, where buttock is mentioned as naked.
Also Bible Genesis 9.21-28; Noach gut drunk and was lying naked, then Cham came in, saw it, and told his brothers who putted a mantle on their shoulders and walked backwards towards their father to cover his nakedness keeping their face turned away and they were promoted because they took action. Cham did nothing and forwarded it. And had no reward.
So, it is about what reason is there.
Weigh occasions.
So the diversion from full happiness meant in the Bible (a.o. Romans 1.26, it was also a cult there) is about trespassing and copying the shape of the holy unity {copulation, seeing (exposure contradicts intimacy) and touching/crossing genitals zone above hug-touching covered breasts and manly crotch, (unless self-touching postponed by reaching the top imagening when alone [Songs of Songs 5.4-6], keeping the man wife meaning underneath in that topping)} of the uppersoulmates, by two or more people at the same time, which are friends or less. BECAUSE THIS (man-wife intimacy) IS IN A MANIFESTATION OF PERFECTNESS/FULLNESS TUNING where also two equal bodies (man-man woman-woman) cannot come fitting. In case of Bible Rom 1.26 also women-women and man-man as a cult.
There is also trespassing (body)privacy of course.
Don't forget the totality of matching in things and people, exceptions (also in time) for one example THE PROPHET HAD TO MARRY A WHORE TOLD BY GOD. AND WHEN SHE WENT AWAY FROM HIM GOD TOLD HIM TO GO AFTER HER TO GET HER BACK expressing the image of people walking away GOD keep trying Bible Hosea. Where we also considder those two could belong to eachother as man-wife despite she being a whore. Also sexual intercourse with the wife of the brother if ones brother died to call on children Bible Genesis 38.8-10.
So imagining and practising man-wife-play on same gender or trespass on same or other gender, beside your man/wife, the Bible teaches, spoils also itselfs, because of the PURITY OF THE ULTIMATE INTIMICY (BODY)TUNING of the souls who come (belong) together.
There is a difference between arousement and intimate arousement.
Don't forget the totality of matching in things and people, exceptions (also in time) for one example THE PROPHET HAD TO MARRY A WHORE TOLD BY GOD. AND WHEN SHE WENT AWAY FROM HIM GOD TOLD HIM TO GO AFTER HER TO GET HER BACK expressing the image of people walking away GOD keep trying Bible Hosea. Where we also considder those two could belong to eachother as man-wife despite she being a whore. Also sexual intercourse with the wife of the brother if ones brother died to call on children Bible Genesis 38.8-10.
So imagining and practising man-wife-play on same gender or trespass on same or other gender, beside your man/wife, the Bible teaches, spoils also itselfs, because of the PURITY OF THE ULTIMATE INTIMICY (BODY)TUNING of the souls who come (belong) together.
There is a difference between arousement and intimate arousement.
Eva is from a side, tsela actually not rib as is often translated, and so expressing the soulconnection man-wife. Genesis 2.24; "man shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh".
The one flesh thing expresses the perfect connection between the uppersoulmates.
Also where they are of course not out of eachother and of course from parents are they perfect matching.
This all is about deliver full happiness by maintaining intimacy and the manly not playing womanly (spoiling/neutralizing itselfs) & vice versa, despite on stage or so, contradicting your true self (Bible Leviticus 18.22, Wisdom 14.26 'mix-up of gender').
So going further than this actual dismantles the excitement. Sometimes resulting in a search for stronger kick the wrong way.
There is notting as mechanical affection or plus and minus yin and yang woman and man, that functions ON ITS OWN going into something which your underneath (level) affectionfeeling don't support so far!
SO THE IDEA OF AN GENERALY ON ITSELF FUNCTIONING SEXUALITY HOMO OR HETERO OR HALF HETERO-HOMO IS JUST A CONVICTION and a developed attitude, which doesn't miss its effect at all of course answering to that trespassing intimacy.
"If but not have self-control, let them marry; better for it is to marry than to be inflamed". (Bible 1Corinthians 7.9).
WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?! There where it is about the soul and soulmate(s) and (general) affection.
So going further about this I could say that the fact that one 'keeps burning' should include the desire for the eternal uppersoulmate above temporal things as brothermarriage. Songs of Songs 8.6 'Its flames are flames of fire a flame of JEHOVAH'.
But about uppersoulmate I hear people NOT explaning this, goodness!
They explane about 'you cannot do your work if you burn too much either', period.
So here we go, without adding things to a text, you cannot disconnect a background.
Let alone the fact to give 'the other' idea about a independent sexuality..... with or without connection(s) to the real thing(s). Songs of Songs 2.7, 3.5, 8.4 'Stir not up love before it pleases' (before it is there).
We have a saying in Dutch, translated it don't rhyme; Nakedness wipes it dead. This concerns the fact that nakedness contradicts (there we have again a 'spoils itselfs') the reason where it is for: privacy and ultimate intimacy via the ultimate preserved connectionplaces. So in this picture only naked actions for unavoidable reasons. THE SOULS WHO LOVE EACHOTHER THE MOST, ARE CREATED MAXIMUM FITTING AND THEREFOR HAVING MIRRORING CHARACTERISTICS. SO THAT THEY FIT FULLY WHAT TWO EQUAL BODIES CANNOT REACH SO FAR FITTING EFFECT. AND ON TOP OF THAT NERVES SHAPES ETC. ARE FULLY FITTING INTIMICY.
Somewhere you can cross a border doing too intimate rituals with somebody less, and so dismantle the high euphoria which is highest (pure) if it is on its right degree-shape as seeing somebodies look, movement, etc., so on the right guys/girls. The thing between the eternal uppersoulmate, if copied over to an other relation, will be missing full target in those relations too, and so being spoiling for the euphoria you will have, because you come into touching with uppersoulmate excitement and so deceive into a supposed ritual which confuses into shortcomming of joy, demolishing fullest BEAUTY.
Also beat around the bush exist avoiding trauma(s) and so coming into deviation from oneselves.
In Sodom and Gomorrah (Bible Genesis 19.1-10) they even wanted to rape travelers (angels) who objected against their cult it was there; the man gave up on their wifes & vice versa on top of trespassing intimacy and copied the uppermost physical intimicy over to specificly woman-woman and man-man. This next to other accumulation of lots of sins in these cities before GOD destroyed these.
Sticking to/searching for what your soul IS prevents deviations in manly and womanly characteristics, and improves these if there conform the real self, without manipulation, manipulation doesn't respect GOD'S order {as dissected magic outside the 'own choice battery' is outside GOD'S order for example} and goes beyond medicine/food and is beyond a thing like levirate marriage (seed donation for ones brother), so that you BE/BECOME what you ARE and not get into eventual identity confusion and so also miss out on (full) unification with uppersoulmate and full joy with others.
Culture can misjudge what is manly or womanly behavior; "a guy has to drink beer and a woman this or that"
that is a deviation too.
Specificly manly shapes on a woman and vice versa loses the confirming effect when going over the edge (Deuteronomy 22.5), there where it should be full target exciting.
The typical thing with outfit is that it is a covered message putting accents on the body (Songs of Songs 4.9 'With one chain of thy neck'), which should fit the content for the uppermost effect.
(At the end of this aeon the lower layer of clothes is seen wearing going over the outerlayer, how upside-down).
The presence above and below should turning out to be translated in the outfit to reach full expression, depending the various bodyshape. There where in manly outfit pants and concrete uprising shapes should be applied, is womanly the other way around. The pants points to the manly only, because of the one side usability of the abdomen, externalizing, and womanly internalizing and so kills every womanly.
This all is about deliver full happiness by maintaining intimacy and the manly not playing womanly (spoiling/neutralizing itselfs) & vice versa, despite on stage or so, contradicting your true self (Bible Leviticus 18.22, Wisdom 14.26 'mix-up of gender').
So going further than this actual dismantles the excitement. Sometimes resulting in a search for stronger kick the wrong way.
There is notting as mechanical affection or plus and minus yin and yang woman and man, that functions ON ITS OWN going into something which your underneath (level) affectionfeeling don't support so far!
SO THE IDEA OF AN GENERALY ON ITSELF FUNCTIONING SEXUALITY HOMO OR HETERO OR HALF HETERO-HOMO IS JUST A CONVICTION and a developed attitude, which doesn't miss its effect at all of course answering to that trespassing intimacy.
"If but not have self-control, let them marry; better for it is to marry than to be inflamed". (Bible 1Corinthians 7.9).
WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?! There where it is about the soul and soulmate(s) and (general) affection.
So going further about this I could say that the fact that one 'keeps burning' should include the desire for the eternal uppersoulmate above temporal things as brothermarriage. Songs of Songs 8.6 'Its flames are flames of fire a flame of JEHOVAH'.
But about uppersoulmate I hear people NOT explaning this, goodness!
They explane about 'you cannot do your work if you burn too much either', period.
So here we go, without adding things to a text, you cannot disconnect a background.
Let alone the fact to give 'the other' idea about a independent sexuality..... with or without connection(s) to the real thing(s). Songs of Songs 2.7, 3.5, 8.4 'Stir not up love before it pleases' (before it is there).
We have a saying in Dutch, translated it don't rhyme; Nakedness wipes it dead. This concerns the fact that nakedness contradicts (there we have again a 'spoils itselfs') the reason where it is for: privacy and ultimate intimacy via the ultimate preserved connectionplaces. So in this picture only naked actions for unavoidable reasons. THE SOULS WHO LOVE EACHOTHER THE MOST, ARE CREATED MAXIMUM FITTING AND THEREFOR HAVING MIRRORING CHARACTERISTICS. SO THAT THEY FIT FULLY WHAT TWO EQUAL BODIES CANNOT REACH SO FAR FITTING EFFECT. AND ON TOP OF THAT NERVES SHAPES ETC. ARE FULLY FITTING INTIMICY.
Somewhere you can cross a border doing too intimate rituals with somebody less, and so dismantle the high euphoria which is highest (pure) if it is on its right degree-shape as seeing somebodies look, movement, etc., so on the right guys/girls. The thing between the eternal uppersoulmate, if copied over to an other relation, will be missing full target in those relations too, and so being spoiling for the euphoria you will have, because you come into touching with uppersoulmate excitement and so deceive into a supposed ritual which confuses into shortcomming of joy, demolishing fullest BEAUTY.
Also beat around the bush exist avoiding trauma(s) and so coming into deviation from oneselves.
In Sodom and Gomorrah (Bible Genesis 19.1-10) they even wanted to rape travelers (angels) who objected against their cult it was there; the man gave up on their wifes & vice versa on top of trespassing intimacy and copied the uppermost physical intimicy over to specificly woman-woman and man-man. This next to other accumulation of lots of sins in these cities before GOD destroyed these.
Sticking to/searching for what your soul IS prevents deviations in manly and womanly characteristics, and improves these if there conform the real self, without manipulation, manipulation doesn't respect GOD'S order {as dissected magic outside the 'own choice battery' is outside GOD'S order for example} and goes beyond medicine/food and is beyond a thing like levirate marriage (seed donation for ones brother), so that you BE/BECOME what you ARE and not get into eventual identity confusion and so also miss out on (full) unification with uppersoulmate and full joy with others.
Culture can misjudge what is manly or womanly behavior; "a guy has to drink beer and a woman this or that"
that is a deviation too.
Specificly manly shapes on a woman and vice versa loses the confirming effect when going over the edge (Deuteronomy 22.5), there where it should be full target exciting.
The typical thing with outfit is that it is a covered message putting accents on the body (Songs of Songs 4.9 'With one chain of thy neck'), which should fit the content for the uppermost effect.
(At the end of this aeon the lower layer of clothes is seen wearing going over the outerlayer, how upside-down).
The presence above and below should turning out to be translated in the outfit to reach full expression, depending the various bodyshape. There where in manly outfit pants and concrete uprising shapes should be applied, is womanly the other way around. The pants points to the manly only, because of the one side usability of the abdomen, externalizing, and womanly internalizing and so kills every womanly.
By the way maillots appear to be warmer than pants.
Bible 1Corinthians 11.14-15; "Does not herself nature teach you that man indeed if adorns the hair, a dishonor to him it is; a woman but if should adorn the hair, a glory to her it is? Because the beautiful hair instead of a veil has been given to her". It is case not to dishonor the womanly by short hair. 1Corinthians 11.14; "Or does not nature herself teach you that if a man indeed wears long hair it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman wears her hair long it is a glory to her".
1Corinthians 10; "Nor abusers of themselves as woman, nor abusers of themselves with men" inheret the Kingdom of GOD, but are on distance from that glory.
Man and woman have a opposite component as in the yin yang symbol.
Mingling, above this confirming effect, manly in/on a woman and vice versa, doesn´t represent straight practizing moving AWAY from one's INNERSELF. Crossdressing/acting against your real self. So as intercourse-behaviour away from your real self.
Born this or that way doesn't prove the top of the full shape of someones fulfilling/manifestation of soul. Experience a feeling of imperfection can pull the right things to do. Not because of sin in a former life the man was blind in Bible John 9 but for working with and against this.
Women should eWOMANcipate and combat for the equal value of women, not for example director instead of directress/trix and so discriminate the womanly, as the Bible states that man are likewise nothing without women, Bible 1Corinthians 11.11-15. This last one is an eternal law not a temporary cultural circumstantial as there are also in the Bible.
For example Debora was judge (and Biblical prophetess) in Israël, Bible Judges 4.4-5.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 26 Dec 2012. Only copy for own use.
Bible 1Corinthians 11.14-15; "Does not herself nature teach you that man indeed if adorns the hair, a dishonor to him it is; a woman but if should adorn the hair, a glory to her it is? Because the beautiful hair instead of a veil has been given to her". It is case not to dishonor the womanly by short hair. 1Corinthians 11.14; "Or does not nature herself teach you that if a man indeed wears long hair it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman wears her hair long it is a glory to her".
1Corinthians 10; "Nor abusers of themselves as woman, nor abusers of themselves with men" inheret the Kingdom of GOD, but are on distance from that glory.
Man and woman have a opposite component as in the yin yang symbol.
Mingling, above this confirming effect, manly in/on a woman and vice versa, doesn´t represent straight practizing moving AWAY from one's INNERSELF. Crossdressing/acting against your real self. So as intercourse-behaviour away from your real self.
Born this or that way doesn't prove the top of the full shape of someones fulfilling/manifestation of soul. Experience a feeling of imperfection can pull the right things to do. Not because of sin in a former life the man was blind in Bible John 9 but for working with and against this.
Women should eWOMANcipate and combat for the equal value of women, not for example director instead of directress/trix and so discriminate the womanly, as the Bible states that man are likewise nothing without women, Bible 1Corinthians 11.11-15. This last one is an eternal law not a temporary cultural circumstantial as there are also in the Bible.
For example Debora was judge (and Biblical prophetess) in Israël, Bible Judges 4.4-5.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 26 Dec 2012. Only copy for own use.
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