If You know my matter You know that I am not pro (meta)physical diversions, but pro 'one thing supporting and causing another'. Coinciding things painting the painting of life seeing around you.
And here we have a case of somebody scientificly established with 50 - 150 grams of brain instead of the normal 1.5 kgs with an IQ of 126 and a math degree.....
Spirit above matter is a fact to me. So it is spirit IN matter and happenings all the way.
So where is the dispensation coming from that somebody with AN EMPTY HEAD, HOLLOW, NO BRAIN, does a sort of thing like this?!
Another case; certain alzheimer patients developped gamble-addiction -mentioned in the description of the medicine- because of that medicine. Here we have the case that matter is the print of spirit, medicine can influence the execution in certain cases but not the spirit.
Skip coördinating coinciding totality of things, and read thoughts, cause the moving of matter (telekinesis) those sort of terrible rubbish.
But there is a clause in the totality of things that seems supernatural. This has nothing to do with occult. Nor God nor the Bible accepts or uses the occult.
Everybody heard stories as "The painting which somebody who died loved so much fell down the wall precisely at the moment when I wondered about....... and it striked me as a sign".
The coming together (there we have my principle again) of the painting falling because of any reason, CAN have something to say. So how you recognize what's the content of this. What is behind it. IS it grandmother now or through time? I even have a case-history of somebody who thinks that the door moves without somebody coming through it or draught or unbalance set in motion. Heavy things fell down once with no likely explanation. Also she putted her hand above my fore-arm without me seeing it, so no suggestion, and we both felt a heavy load between her hands and my fore-arm! Seeing spirits and bizarre things also, and "I have to fight myself free in the night". Telling this to a relation the relation felt attacked the same way too in the night! What seems suggestion. She experiences always meaningless synchronicity "It doesn't mean anything" she says. Hearing voices also. Electrical plugs ones burst after seeing a ghost, whatever this synchronism is.
There is a child in the bathwater (not throw away the child with the bathwater is the saying).
You can't say that it is wrong that an earthly or not earthly spirit is seeking contact and calls on you and if you're open to it that you can see or hear that person.
You cannot recognize an angel or spirit which appears in 'normal body' also in the Bible. But not always.
So it is clear that this case is mixed up stuff, but can be corrected.
So within Biblical setting (system) the good comes out. And in the case history of the almost brainless person it don't need to be conform the asking force (develish) but can have the right use of spirit in natural things.
Check out the original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.
COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 23 Jan 2013. Only copy for own use.
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