Saturday, February 2, 2013

God keeps everything in His Hand.

It is pure creation.
Things fit around you.
There is no chaos, the soul print is in it always and ever, written so to speak in the book of God.
God'S Hand is in coincidence, so things come together according to souls desire. So even in the diversion God has His print.
So if somebody gets pregnant for example by an ungodly action then still it is not outlawed. 
Things are not loose from eachother. So the coinciding puts things together because of the souls involved. 
Look what the Bible writes;
'You wove me in the womb of my mother.
My bones were not hidden for You when I was made in the hidden
worked out in the depths of the Earth-domain
Your eyes saw my shapeless beginning in Your book they were all written, the days that would be formed when non of them existed
How exquisite are Your thoughts o God'.
(Psalms 139).
So notting is outside the law of God, it is outside the law of God to do artificial insemination but that does not mean -if excersized- that GOD WOULD NOT PLUG IN TO THE DIVERSION.
In the last days of the aeon of the asking force, the Son of Evil has to come too, so a thing as Hitler is inherent on the history to unfold and had to happen in the scene as part of eternity. As part of the asking force Hitler manifested himself as he did. And you have something as Eastern Lightning the church of incarnated Almighty God which is miss Yang Xiangbin claimed to be Jesus now as woman incarnated, they have 4 million+ members.... And the lord of Jesus return Unification church mr. Sun Myung Moon.
2Thessalonians 2.2-4 before Jesus return first has to come the son of evil who manifests himself as GOD.
As the Bible writes we have judgement after one life, we can do better but not do that life over again, you cannot do the same thing over..... repent and if possible restore, Bible Hebrews 9.27; "And for as much as it is apportioned to men once to die after and this judgement thus the Christ once having been offered for of many to bear 'the' sins a second [time] apart from sin shall appear to those that him await for salvation".

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED BY Hans Michael Chi  2 Febr 2013. Only copy for own use.

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