Thursday, November 27, 2014

Serve eachother is the (Biblical) law.

Serve eachother is the law the Bible says. See the Bee for example HOW THE BEE FITS IN. 
Not EAT eachother. 
People eat eachother financialy. Eat things murder things because of profit and often not recognize the loss of things because of profit. 
Also eating other living beings. Nature is cursed because of man (Bible Genesis 3.17). In Genesis men eats fruit (grain etc.) and animals eat vegetables and are vegetarian. 
Men is spoiling things, nature follows. Men has given nature under submission Bible Genesis 1.26-28.
For example a developer sees profit somewhere and overlooks what he is doing. He overlooks the values of a certain place. And don't recognize and acknowledge that. And if he or she does see it, he or she is double guilty.
Where are things are for, where is the profit for if you make profit on the back of valuable things.
So you have those cities that grow naturaly and nature where those people enjoy themselves........... as the expression and embodyment of spirit.
If money prevales then the normal competition of things is suppressed and over-ruled.
The competition where that what has to be should be.
So I remember that before I was born souls compete to come into the conception, there where it is already established that YOU must be there so you win. 
Entities trying to encounter and get into the conception and hover above it.
And give the wrong chance to get in, for example through artificial insemination or occult-paranormal going around things that need to manifest natural. GOD works out the casual and intuïtion.
Things always have and need coherence. You get born by parents who have to meet before etc. etc.. You don't jump into matter or situations "just like that". So that is the beauty of creation being FULL in expression that way in SIGNIFICANT coherence.

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.  

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 26 Nov 2014 by  Hans Michael Chi. Only copy for own use. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Synchronicity, a together-movement.

Yesterday I wrote an email to somebody, today I meet him coincidently on the street. For some time I have conversations with him about synchronicity and also faith in GOD.
Also today; I had no fruitjuice left, so I putted buttermilk in the empty fruitjuicepack, because I always like to have some fluid on me while on the way.
So I drank some on the street and two guys passed by, while I shaked the pack, 
and I heard them say "In a moment it is MILK in it, hahahaha". So a guy should not shake a pack of fruitjuice but wave with a beerbottle or -can, is of course the background of this......
I NEVER did buttermilk in a juicepack, once I do that because I need something to drink anyway AND THEN TWO GUYS PASS BY SAYING THAT!
It also happened to me that I imagined over and over again a situation somewhere on that precise spot happening, from where a COPY of this indeed happened after a while on that very spot in the building which has no connection to that place that it should happen THERE!!!
So what is to say of these examples?
One idea is that the again and again and again over and over imagination adds to it to happen (superstitional force). If you don't want that, but think to expect it, one tends to see it in their thoughts. BUT THAN; A COPY OF IT!!!
Situation is simular but something different is potentially possible.
You enjoy the microcosmos around you, meaning something.
GOD provides everything so you should NOT worry.
But there where there is sin, falling short, people start to think "GOD could do (cause) this or that".
GOD gives the birds their food, but they have to fly for it.
But there are meaningful things that are not synchron. 
And which aren't answering to expectation. 
Guideposts are not synchron because you already go that direction similar to the synchronicity/analog is showing the content of that. Direction in the sense that the will-choice how something lies prevails. Even when doing otherwise the synchronicity/analog can show an image of your real will-choice how it lies.
So if we talk about GOD showing a guidepost then we talk about something appearing that is not similar to your based intentions (will-wishes) but for that matter similar to your real souldesire and necessity in general.
Intentions (will-wishes) from which you, subordinated to GOD, soulconformable would like/will-wish the possibility are the onlyest "battery" (of free choice) in the Biblical system. Result of free will is sacred with GOD. So if things happen you don't want and/or participate in; there is a soulbased reason.... Therefor things you THINK you want reflect around you AND -in Biblical system- here or there produce feelings and intuïtions leading to the real soulprint in Creation.
Fear, hope, trust or distrust are superstitional batteries.
A woman I know is afraid of bees, in her youth she was locked up in a room with a bee because other children knew she was afraid of bees they did that. She does not dare to have windows open because a bee may come in she says. Once a little grating was opened to ventilate some which was never done and what happens a dead bee was lying on the window sill some hours later.
So what is happened here, a image arises which shows a condition of somebody without saying that it comes from superstitional forces which calls on feelings of sympathize.
Avoid superstition which mixes up, confuse, the healthy correlation between you and your surrounding, and not also come to get something with it and its effects.
Synchronicities and penetrating circumstances don't stay away so you cannot say that because you give GOD the last word that the "battery"-effect of your soulconformable intentions (will-wishes) is cleaned by GOD further than necessary, because of free will. 
GOD'S EFFECTIVE FORCE  is always acting and reacting fitting you.
In a special case I needed really confirmation about something, so I prayed "It would be nice LORD, to get a (really) meaningful statue today symbolizing things go through". And it happened!!!!!!! A superspecific meaningful statue.
It was kingsday, people offering things and services for almost nothing, and in the big city I just walked towards that....
If you have a prayed intention (will-wish) to get a positive result concerning something special like this, then you cannot get the circumstance or object if it IS not so, because of the prayed intention which prayed content is "Only if destined". Those things can take shapes that are understandable but cannot lie. I did not "smell" the statue being available and so get the wrong answer. So here is a dimension extra without wanting to steer GOD.
You don't want to get the wrong answer yourself either.
Don't forget GOD in the whole thing of course!!!
Trial is also there.
Even if the opposite or adversity appears then you can still will-choose to continue your way. But you go over it again, maybe more often. And dig up what is at. Considdering what I wrote here above.
And sometimes you have to wait for the full answer and the adventure continues.....
And GOD causes plays that embody contactatmosphere with things on distance in place or time.

So don't do or participate on superstitional things, not in convulsive manner  I let an acquaintance do something on me what appeared while doing to be magnetic treatment. So I prayed while she did that and after that I explaned it to her. For example the eating of meat in a spirit-gods temple with their priests which meat is offered to spirit-gods is allowed in the Bible because you acknowledge but don't endorse that (1Corinthians 8.1-13). So if something is specific like in this examples and the example of the answer in the statue then there is no unclearness or tresspassing. Also sometimes you have to accept something wrong in a good effort.
It is not more effective than it seems, compromising for example, but it is about DOING it which gives result in proportion, as deviations coming in AS YOU ALAS SEE IN PENTECOSTAL PEOPLE GO DOWN UNCONSCIOUS AS A SIGN (!), AND ALAS IN ROMAN CATHOLIC ATMOSPHERE WEEPING-, BLEEDING- AND EVEN MOVING STATUES AND PEOPLE BLEEDING ON PLACES JESUS WAS TRANSFIXED (!). A woman starting calculating astrology found a specific book and met a teacher AND THOUGHT SHE WAS ON THE RIGHT WAY secured through the confirmation...........
Live and let live, everybody NEEDS to seek their own way but if you yourself are tolerant -in the sense of acceptability- then you participate.


Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 27 Oct 2014 by  Hans Michael Chi.  Only copy for own use. 


Monday, July 21, 2014

Biblical communism

If you believe in GOD and so give GOD the last word in all happenings then it IS so, inclusive guideposts in it, and cannot be overruled by anything.
GOD has the last word ANYWAY but allows of course the free will, and so, is not forcing the result -within borders to protect. All souls have to manifest themselves in choosing their ways.
The damage you can get is if you don't give GOD the last word and transgress natural order as is given in the Bible, and continuing wrong choices, starting to print in the coherence between you and your surrounding. I don't mean here the power of positive/negative thinking, power of affirmations (not motto), effect of thoughts, fear of something or so, which is all out of Biblical natural order to let that (anticipate) print. Through choose to do that, practize that, you connect to the asking (develish demolishing) force.
The Bible is infallible in the sense of all the given structures, which you determine by adding everything together to get the full picture. The Bible is secured by GOD rising above the different human hands in It and so is the Word of GOD.
SERVE EACHOTHER IS THE LAW the Bible states. Even this;
"And every time there were that sold or gave their posessions, for all those who wanted" Bible Acts 2.45.  
Everything is a print of soul. And every soul feeds it by GOD or the asking force (negative) in the end (sub)consciously. GOD said "There'll be (day)light" and there wàs light, a voice a vibration. 
A print in creation God'S voice in time and place. 
Everything is a print of soul nothing IS matter. 
The only thing that exists is spirit(ual). So matter is spirit coming from soul.
There is soul, etherical body and full body "this" flesh, Bible 1Thessalonians 5.23.
Everybody has an "antenna". Everything has intuitive value {this has NOTHING to do with disrupting things as mindreading, second sight as condition, psychometry as condition (=getting to know things through a belonging), seeing or hearing things just like that, (searched not prayed for) searching omen, medium (I don't mean condition and attitude to receive and notice things), clairvoyance as condition, calculating astrology, occult-paranormal-pentecostal, or so which leads to destructive impoverishment demolishing the richness of GOD'S coherent manifestations which you need to express and get everything}. 
You can notice the content of things places happenings and also get contactatmosphere which is a link to object(s) places and/or person(s) involved. God'S way of healthy intuition (intertime/interspace)(day)dreams convictions contactatmosphere attraction.
As well as having "roots uptill water in times of drought"; help of GOD where you can't, Bible Jeremiah 17.7-8. GOD'S connectionsupply.
Also a game "synchronizes" the truth and gives contactsphere.
Scenes in life are painting a picture to paint the truth and you get in contactsphere with the deepest truth.
Everything is soulprint. Souls which body are not physicaly together experience connection.
What you see AROUND YOU IS more.
"There is more between Heaven and Earth than you may think at first sight".
See if something is meant to be by testing it despite your maybe even obstaculous opinion because of GOD'S interdimensional possibilities and not be blind for signals passing by. 
So scenes arises in everybodies life.......


Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED 21 July 2014 by  Hans Michael Chi.  Only copy for own use.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


In the Bible Acts 5.1-16 a certain Ananias and his wife Saffira sold something and said to Peter that they gave the whole yield to the community instead of honestly saying "Here I give this to the community". Peter fulfilled of the Holy Spirit, however saw them through that they did not lie to just him but thought to coin and wheel-deal the EFFECTIVE FORCE OF GOD, and spoke out the judgement Peter read from GOD, to them, and they died.
THAT SEEMS -to put it mildly- A CHOCKING THING.
Isn't there any forgiveness?
GOD saw of course ENOUGH REASONS (several) in the total coherence of all things concerning, that it went like this. 
Compare Acts 8.9-24; A magician Simon, amazing people with his conjuring so he was called the great power of GOD, came to faith in Jesus and was baptized. Then he offered money so he could bring the HOLY SPIRIT on people. Peter said 'May Your silver be with You into perdition' and 'repent and pray to GOD that this may be forgiven, there is neither part nor lot to You in this matter'. Simon asked Peter to petition for him that nothing of Peter had spoken would came over him.
Ananias and Saffira should have said that they gave that and that amount and they would have been REWARDED and BLESSED by GOD through GOD'S EFFECTIVE FORCE.
Instead of changing the story to come out better by saying that they gave everything and so COINING that what is fulfilled of the Holy Spirit, they could have spoken the truth. Instead of not trusting the coming together for the best of things in that field.
And -so doing- even want to go OVER THAT.
In the Bible pretext is used to save a situation, that is something else, that is not that you don't trust the possibilities of the Holy Spirit and think and decide to go through with the idea that the EFFECTIVE FORCE OF GOD (HOLY SPIRIT) don't registrate everything.
Furthermore it is not possible to judge somebody if the somebody whom the judgement is directed to is not addressable/effectable through their own co-operation which co-operation arises through being consciously guilty uptill that level.
In the asking (develish) force, for example a curse, makes the person doing, guilty, and the person addressed must have enough superstitional co-operation reason and guilt to get any effect.
Leaves the fact: "Isn't this 'a bit' much?!".
And why speak out (publicly also here) judgement AT ALL?! 
The lie he and his wife commited was not towards people but towards GOD (Bible Acts 5.4) Acts 5.9 'How could You agree to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?".
So here we see that it cannot be more bad than think, and go through with the idea, to come out better in not being honest in telling what they gave, because it concerns here the rewarding of the Holy Spirit and, indeed, so, they did not lie that they donated more, to people (Acts 5.4).
Things are tuned RIGHT there is never that sort of adversity and punishment which prevents worse, just like that but precisely adjusted because of ALL COHERENT REASONS OF THINGS AND PEOPLE CONCERNING. Take the Titanic the unsinkable ship which sank the first trip, had a sign on it "Even God cannot sink this ship", I don't need to explane the blasphemy. I would not GO on that ship! A part of the passangers was saved.
So in the perspective of everything GOD had no reasons to leave time of this life of these two to continue. 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED  11 June 2014  by  Hans Michael Chi. Only copy for own use.

Monday, January 27, 2014

GOD'S gorgeous symbiotic creation expressing; Spelt.

Bible Genesis 1.29; And God said, behold, I have given You every plant seeding seed which is on the face of all the Earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree seeding seed; it shall be food for You.
So people are not even vegetarian but fruitarian! And animals vegetarian in GOD'S original order Genesis 1.30.
So what are the fundamentals.
Fundamentally it is like this;
The mentioned above.
Products made of the mentioned above.
Milk and cheese from plants made out of the fruit.
(Super)honey from the bees.
Softly not burned baked bread.
Nothing burned, cooked, and saturated with water you throw away.
Nothing alcohol.
Nothing burned inhale.
Sleep during the night 24hrs-6hrs or a bit around that adjusted to your situation.
Don't conflict/curse with/on nature by lying down during the day or being verticaly and active in the night.
There is time place and shape for everything...
That Jesus changed water into wine and says 'I shall not drink from the fruit of the vine till I drink it new with You in the Kingdom of my FATHER' does not mean a precise copy of the same thing. Also there is so called new wine with no alcohol. Also Jesus asked for a piece of fish after his resurrection 'so You can see that I am no spirit'.
So there are temporal things and later-perfect things.
In coming paradise people eat fruit and what comes from that and animals vegetables.

Considder these things for your wellbeing;
Bodily exercize
Fitting in GOD'S ordination of day/night/morning/afternoon/evening/weekdays/weekend.

The magnificence of spelt.
It is easyly to digest easyly assimilated by the body. 
The nutritive contents keep intact in milling.
It is good for keeping the blood pure and healthy, it stimulates a joyful mind and cheerfulness, it causes equable energy and is powerful in making fit, strenghtening the nervoussystem, the brain, normalizes the cholesterol and supports the digestion, the cell-renewing, and detoxes the body by stimulating the kidneys who are very sleepy in this aeon (age). It stimulates the circulation, gives strong muscles. It improves the health of good bacteria, regulates hormones, boosts bone health, boosts immunity, balances bloodsugar, good for the heart and bloodvessels, prevents gallstones, balances the weight, lowers bloodpressure.

I could continue further but that is not the point of this article, the point is;

                                                  GOD'S    GORGEOUS    SYMBIOSIS

It is used in Bilical history as a medicine, it heals the body inside as an ointment. They gave speltpap to people who could not bear other food being sick.
It supports healthy flesh.
It is seen as primeval grain. 
HOWEVER you should watch out for unspoiled spelt un-crossed with other grain and un-manipulated!!!!!
So the coming-from-coherent working and the coherent working and the consequence/follow-up-coherent (set-in-motion) working of spelt is MAGNIFICENT.
Even those who sell spelt and speltproducts don't know if it is pure.
It can be spoiled by crossing with other grains, genetic manipulation, artificial fertilizer or other unnatural out-of-GOD'S-order things........
everything that disturbes and spoils the symbioses THAT MAKES IT ALL.
IN EUROPE THEY WANTED TO FORBID TRADING AND EXCHANGE NATURAL SEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in 2013).

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by  Hans Michael Chi  27 Jan 2014. Only copy for own use.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

We are soul, body and spirit.

We consist out of 3; body, soul and spirit. 
The soul is the pure YOU the kernel the crux.
Than we have the spirit that is the first body, that remains when the body dies as well as of course the soul. 
So there is 3 to have a full (human) being.
The spirit can function on it's own but that is not perfect to manifest. There is shortness of satisfaction. You need the body to fully satisfy.
That is also why there is a resurrection of the body in the Bible.
A spirit (without body) can influence matter by occasion.
Also spirits disguise themselves and do as if they are somebody else by uptill certain point knowing things. But can never deceive totaly and so steel a full image.
Reading the book of Shirley Maclaine she tells about seeing UFO's and both homes of her leaking where they cannot find the cause. She got an explanation from somebody that the house cried for her and she decided to go standing under the leak and weep upon which the leaking in both houses stopped.
She describes being busy with meditation splitting and putting together yin and yang. 
You can recognize this as a step too far, if so. There where in God'S ordination a thing as (meaningful) leaking can happen, is leaking without the co-operation of something in the plumbing or roof or what, not God'S system of co-operation and expressing and manifesting coherence.
The free choice of all people brings out and manifests what everybody IS. And everything is all about manifesting; all things manifest something.
If there was free contact with deceased then apart from wrong spirits coming in, also the choice what you choose as the truth would be disturbed by seeing too much. And in this life it is necessary that it comes into being who and what you are by FREE choice.
But that doesn't mean that there is never indirectly or directly contact in dreams, signs or intuitions.
Bible 1Thessalonians 5.23; "And may the GOD of peace Himself fully sanctify You, and may Your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".  

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by  Hans Michael Chi  15 Jan 2014. Only copy for own use. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

If you pray...... things go different.

Prayer is contact with GOD and GOD answering that.
GOD also knocks on the door of people who don't pray.
There is also to deal with the deviations in religion, things that don't belong in Biblical perspective. Deviations as calling on others than GOD directly, as also for example the power of positive thinking and negative thinking, as they preach, as making, and praying by, an image of GOD. 
'You little of faith!' , Jesus said, 'which father gives his child a snake if it asks for a fish!. How much more Your righteous Father in heaven will give You what You need'. And 'do to others what you want them to do to you, because this is the Law and the Prophets' (Matthew 7.7-12).
Also Jesus said; 'Your faith has healed You'. And 'You will get according to Your belief' (Matthew 9.28-29). Meaning faith in GOD and Jesus and the right idea about GOD as caring Father.
The part you do yourself is the choice part. You decide: You believe in GOD, that GOD is the caring Father and Jesus the son, so that you are open to His inspiration and practical help.
In the news of January 2014;  Therese Daoud from Tel Aviv Israel; doctors (Ichilov hospital) could only save her life by amputating her leg, as confirmed by checking in the U.S.A.. But uptill 3 times circumstances postponed this. She TOOK THAT AS A SIGN and started to PRAY and became FREE of cancer without treatment, there where a big cancer like that impossibly can reduce to notting  with or WITHOUT!! treatment, only prayer to GOD in Jesus name passed by, AS THE OFFICIALS UNCOMFORTABLY STATE.
If you pray....... things go different.
What can be avoid gets avoided.
And if you can recognize a hint..... 

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by  Hans Michael Chi  13 Jan 2014. Only copy for own use.