Friday, April 13, 2012

What WAS it actually what Jesus did?

He stayed faithful in temptation, having the position to organize it otherwise. So he made the right choice in the end. The Devil offered him all the kingdoms of the world for one deed of prayer to him (Matthew 4.8, Luke 4.5). And so I could continue. He was faithful up till death. Not as religion teaches exchange punishment, this is not the backpayment of karma/debt for others.
See also article "Pay somebody else his/hers debt".
So THIS and HIS TEACHING and FULFILLING THE OLD TESTAMENT/ALLIANCE; he esthablished the new testament/alliance. In my name You shall do even more than I did (John 14.12). Until now You did not ask in my name, ask in my name so that Your happiness will be full (John 16.24). It is finished he said hanging on that pole (John 19.30). The way to the inner sanctuary (meaning 100% connection to God) was not open 100% (for people) before Jesus, leading to fulness (Hebrews 9.8). It became dark at the middle of day for 3 hours and the cover of the inner-sanctuary of the temple broke open when Jesus died.......................................................................................................................(Luke 23.45). Using the name of Jesus however does not mean that peoples heart is in it the right way (a.o. Matthew 7.22 & Mark 9.38). Many will come in my name and seduce many (Matthew 24.5). Those that believe in his name shall be children of God (John 1.12). John 14.26; "the but Paracleta the Spirit Holy which will send the Father in the name of me". Acts 3.16; "And on the faith of the name of him, this one whom You behold and know made strong (through) the name of him, and the faith which through him gave to him complete soundness this before (in front of) all of You". Acts 4.7; "And having stood them in the midst inquired, By what power or in what name did do this You?". The fulness of Jesus is offered to EVERYBODY, also those who don't know him. 

Recognizing Jesus truth gives you forgiveness of sin, full life creation as also teaching from the Bible about GOD and Jesus, and Jesus walk and his own teachings about our FATHER'S (GOD'S) fulness.

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

Copyright reserved & published by Hans Michael Chi 2 April 2012. Only copy for own use.

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