Monday, April 16, 2012

A literal helping hand!!

A lady in The Hague Netherlands experienced the following story;  'From my 27th till my 37th I was a big troublethinker. What was the case? I was not healthy. My thyroid worked too quickly. I walked, so to speak, not in rhythme with the cosmos (nature around you). This was among other things to see on the fact that the menstruation stayed away. I could not keep balance in things. I did not eat, I was gluttonous. All my organs had to do a double job to keep up with the tempo of my metabolism. My heartrate was often more than 100 bpm and for a long time not regular anymore. I had no energy left. I was very unhappy. After being sick and having to leave my work I ended up in the W.A.O. (the Dutch fascility for people unable to work for a longer time, to have an income according to the level they earned before). In the mean time stumbling from one doctor to another. Medicines gave some relieve. During this process a few times already was spoken about an operation. For me that was TOTALY SCARING. I did not dare! And also I was in the opinion that I had to find the saving lifeline myself that would guarantee me the perfect balance between spirit and body. I expected cure from better housing, more sensible nutricion, a satisfying relation, a job that fits me. From all of these things. But in non of these things I succeeded for a longer time, and I stayed sick and miserable and ended up in the hospital. Again they talked about an operation. And still I did not have the guts and thought that I had to find the key to my cure myself, and fleed from the hospital. After months at home I had to give up my resistance because I was used up. The only thing I could do was sleeping. AND THEN IT HAPPENED that my dismay came to an end......... I had a vision, so called. In front of my atticwindow in my garret, appeared in a light a reaching inviting slim hand. Astonished, involuntary I putted my hand fromout my lying position in this hand and rested for a while in it. This was the moment of my surrender. And from that moment I did everything to get the operation by the same doctor which I could not trust before. It became a tremendously successful operation in every sense. After I was freed from my fear I did not need to use any medicine anymore immediatly after the operation. AND NOW TEN YEARS LATER I AM STILL HEALTHY AND GRATEFUL'.                                                                                                                                                   You can try several explanations. But one thing is clear; that this pulled her out of a long period being stuck. The Working Force of God CAN produce a shape like that, as a strong image to get somebody -without taking over free will- to fulfilment. And it depends also on a person self if a thing like this can happen, also because OF WRONG REASONS. Like in for example you see happen in pentecostal conviction, spritualistism, magic thinking (above the personal choice battery), Roman tradition, etc., also superstitious manifestations are seen. The connection also with spirits is possible. The Bible has a "personal unpersonal God" Who seekes the happiness for EVERYBODY. Unpersonal personal means; He wants to be prayed to exclusively, but not for His honour to please as personality cult. So Jesus opened the FULL connection to the Father God, and said to pray; "Our Father Who is in the heavens etc.". NOT MINE OR YOUR OR CHRISTIANS -, NO EVERYBODIES                                                                                   FATHER.                                                                                                                           

Check out the  original Bible-New Testament to get the picture of Jesus.

COPYRIGHT RESERVED & PUBLISHED by Hans Michael Chi 21 Aug 2006. Only copy for own use.         

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